This influence enables you to sense energies in the people and circumstances around you more keenly than usual. You are more aware of others' needs and more willing to help them out. Others will be aware of your receptivity, and friends and neighbors may ask you for assistance. But you will not find this irksome, because service to others is a satisfactory form of self-expression for you now. You want to do it and you will do it. Spiritual and mystical concerns are likely to claim your attention much more than usual. Today it is not enough to understand what something is; you also have to know what it means. This is an excellent day to withdraw from your normal routine and meditate upon the concerns that are important to you.
четвртак, 1. октобар 2009.
среда, 27. мај 2009.
уторак, 3. март 2009.
узрок су звукови које производе људи активностима на мору
Sonar interference
Environmentalists have long speculated that some cetaceans, including whales, are endangered by sonar used by advanced navies. In 2003 British and Spanish scientists suggested in Nature that sonar is connected to whale beachings and to signs that the beached whales have experienced decompression sickness. Responses in Nature the following year discounted the explanation. Mass whale beachings occur in many species, mostly beaked whales that use echolocation systems for deep diving. The frequency and size of beachings around the world, recorded over the last 1,000 years in religious tracts and more recently in scientific surveys, has been used to estimate the changing population size of various whale species by assuming that the proportion of the total whale population beaching in any one year is constant.
Despite the concerns raised about sonar which may invalidate this assumption, this population estimate technique is still popular today. Talpalar and Grossman argue that it is the combination of the high pressure environment of deep-diving with the disturbing effect of the sonar which causes decompression sickness and stranding of whales.Thus, an exaggerated startle response occurring during deep diving may alter orientation cues and produce rapid ascent.
Following public concern, the U.S. Defense department was ordered by the US circuit court in California to strictly limit use of its Low Frequency Active Sonar during peacetime. Attempts by the UK-based Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society to obtain a public inquiry into the possible dangers of the Royal Navy's equivalent (the "2087" sonar launched in December 2004) have so far failed. The European Parliament on the other hand has requested that EU members refrain from using the powerful sonar system until an environmental impact study has been carried out.
Environmentalists have long speculated that some cetaceans, including whales, are endangered by sonar used by advanced navies. In 2003 British and Spanish scientists suggested in Nature that sonar is connected to whale beachings and to signs that the beached whales have experienced decompression sickness. Responses in Nature the following year discounted the explanation. Mass whale beachings occur in many species, mostly beaked whales that use echolocation systems for deep diving. The frequency and size of beachings around the world, recorded over the last 1,000 years in religious tracts and more recently in scientific surveys, has been used to estimate the changing population size of various whale species by assuming that the proportion of the total whale population beaching in any one year is constant.
Despite the concerns raised about sonar which may invalidate this assumption, this population estimate technique is still popular today. Talpalar and Grossman argue that it is the combination of the high pressure environment of deep-diving with the disturbing effect of the sonar which causes decompression sickness and stranding of whales.Thus, an exaggerated startle response occurring during deep diving may alter orientation cues and produce rapid ascent.
Following public concern, the U.S. Defense department was ordered by the US circuit court in California to strictly limit use of its Low Frequency Active Sonar during peacetime. Attempts by the UK-based Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society to obtain a public inquiry into the possible dangers of the Royal Navy's equivalent (the "2087" sonar launched in December 2004) have so far failed. The European Parliament on the other hand has requested that EU members refrain from using the powerful sonar system until an environmental impact study has been carried out.
2 a & 2 j
... & shows that you are a rebel at heart. When your independence is denied even momentarily, you are defiantly abusive. You feel you have the right to do anything you want without adhering to any rules or regulations. In general you are irresponsible and find it difficult to learn anything from your experiences. You were at odds with the rest of your family when you were growing up, and you will always strike others as being different from the average person. But you do have a mind of your own and insist on finding for yourself the best way to capitalize on your wealth of ideas.
Generally indifferent to money, you prefer to devote your efforts to enterprises that are characterized by such clichés as 'relevant' and 'meaningful'. What you do is far more important than what you are paid for doing it. Your modernity is repelled by tradition, and yet you conform to another kind of tradition that is consistent with the values of your generation.
You refuse to stay confined in a career that does not give you some degree of freedom and mobility. A nine-to-five routine would be positively crushing to your individuality. The only reason you want an education is so you can make a better contribution to society, but you must learn to be wary of people who will take advantage of you and deprive you of even basic necessities. Giving is noble, but in this case poverty is stupid. You are not likely to seek a binding partnership unless it is by agreement rather than by contract. You remember rebelling against the close confinement of your youth, and you have no intention of repeating that experience.
You are disturbed by social injustice and hope that some day you can contribute substantially to eliminating those injustices. You need to know that your life's work is serving a wide human need. Closely identified with youth in society, you try to help young people exploit their creative potentials.
& ... likely to be a conflict between a need to be externally successful, and an inner struggle to release tensions and transcend limitations. PArt of the difficulty will lie in the irregular flow of your energies, which makes it hard to generate momentum and persistence. You will feel that you should be a success, and resent any need to progress slowly in your intended direction. Suitable preparation is not an approach that really appeals to you, yet it can be this failure to lay good foundations that can destroy future success.
You need more clarity in your life. There is a spreading uncertainty within you that makes it difficult to concentrate your energies and purpose together. You are unsure of your real motivations, desires and needs; and there is no cohesive belief structure that you can use as a temporary centre. What you do feel is this frustrating tension, which inhibits your choices and options. Often you make a few steps towards manifesting an intention, makea few preliminary plans, then retreat from this, perhaps from a fear of failure or because a new idea has suddenly attracted all your attention. You have a problem in being self-disciplined and actually completing your intentions. Yet sometimes you can be very impulsive, launching into things with little thought, and suddenly waking up to discover that you have created a new problem or are in a situation from which you have to withdraw. Much energy is wasted through such thrashing about with no real idea of what you really want to do.
The energy to succeed is there, but it is locked away or dissipated through lack of direction. The frustration will remain until you release the tension through channelled intent, completing one project at a time. More self-evaluation as to your dreams and desires will help, as through clarifying those you will be able to determing the required direction that is necessary for achievement. Those tendencies towards being too idealistic and impractical may need to be moderated; and it may be that you will have to work closely with others in a co-operative manner, so that mutual disicpline and focus helps to keep you in line through a sense of group obligation and responsibility. The key is that you need to change your way of operating in order to succeed.
Generally indifferent to money, you prefer to devote your efforts to enterprises that are characterized by such clichés as 'relevant' and 'meaningful'. What you do is far more important than what you are paid for doing it. Your modernity is repelled by tradition, and yet you conform to another kind of tradition that is consistent with the values of your generation.
You refuse to stay confined in a career that does not give you some degree of freedom and mobility. A nine-to-five routine would be positively crushing to your individuality. The only reason you want an education is so you can make a better contribution to society, but you must learn to be wary of people who will take advantage of you and deprive you of even basic necessities. Giving is noble, but in this case poverty is stupid. You are not likely to seek a binding partnership unless it is by agreement rather than by contract. You remember rebelling against the close confinement of your youth, and you have no intention of repeating that experience.
You are disturbed by social injustice and hope that some day you can contribute substantially to eliminating those injustices. You need to know that your life's work is serving a wide human need. Closely identified with youth in society, you try to help young people exploit their creative potentials.
& ... likely to be a conflict between a need to be externally successful, and an inner struggle to release tensions and transcend limitations. PArt of the difficulty will lie in the irregular flow of your energies, which makes it hard to generate momentum and persistence. You will feel that you should be a success, and resent any need to progress slowly in your intended direction. Suitable preparation is not an approach that really appeals to you, yet it can be this failure to lay good foundations that can destroy future success.
You need more clarity in your life. There is a spreading uncertainty within you that makes it difficult to concentrate your energies and purpose together. You are unsure of your real motivations, desires and needs; and there is no cohesive belief structure that you can use as a temporary centre. What you do feel is this frustrating tension, which inhibits your choices and options. Often you make a few steps towards manifesting an intention, makea few preliminary plans, then retreat from this, perhaps from a fear of failure or because a new idea has suddenly attracted all your attention. You have a problem in being self-disciplined and actually completing your intentions. Yet sometimes you can be very impulsive, launching into things with little thought, and suddenly waking up to discover that you have created a new problem or are in a situation from which you have to withdraw. Much energy is wasted through such thrashing about with no real idea of what you really want to do.
The energy to succeed is there, but it is locked away or dissipated through lack of direction. The frustration will remain until you release the tension through channelled intent, completing one project at a time. More self-evaluation as to your dreams and desires will help, as through clarifying those you will be able to determing the required direction that is necessary for achievement. Those tendencies towards being too idealistic and impractical may need to be moderated; and it may be that you will have to work closely with others in a co-operative manner, so that mutual disicpline and focus helps to keep you in line through a sense of group obligation and responsibility. The key is that you need to change your way of operating in order to succeed.
уторак, 10. фебруар 2009.
At a critical point
The energies in your life are reaching a culmination now. This is the time to try to bring your affairs to a climax, but do not expect to escape opposition from other people, for others have ambitions that may be in conflict with yours. Even with those aspects of your life that have been working out well and are now reaching a climax, you are not yet past the critical point. To achieve is one thing, but to incorporate these achievements into your life and make them part of your personal growth is something else. You have built structures and organized your life in various ways, and now you will experience the consequences of these structures as they begin to react and influence your life. Yet you still have the creative power to determine how your own creations will recreate you.
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