недеља, 30. септембар 2007.

0ctober fest


  • Brisbane, Australia has many small celebrations of Oktoberfest. Mainly supported across the local university populations, it has spilled over into local restaurants and pubs, looking to join in the festival.
  • Sydney, Australia celebrates Oktoberfest at the Fairfield Showgrounds in the Suburb of Prairiewood.
  • Canberra, Australia celebrates Oktoberfest at the Thoroughbred Park, Lyneham.
  • Adelaide, Australia celebrates Schuetzenfest in January at Bonython Park just outside the CBD.

субота, 29. септембар 2007.

Аи, Алекса, Танасије, Цоа, Ацек, Канза, Зиркана, Цобе

A nickname is a name of a person or thing other than its proper name. It may either substitute or be added to the proper name. It may be a familiar or truncated form of the proper name, such as Bob, Bobby, Rob, Robbie, Robin, and Bert for Robert.

The term hypocoristic or "pet name" is used to refer to a nickname of affection between those in love or with a close emotional bond, compared with a term of endearment. The term diminutive name refers to nicknames that convey smallness of the names, e.g., referring to children. The distinction between the two is often blurred.

metak.com - najobimniji i najbrži engleski rečnik koji simultano prevodi na srpski i engleski jezik.

Овај резиме није доступан. Кликните овде да бисте прегледали пост.

Ridding of emotional baggage - Mobilizing collective resentment:

The key to good health, experts now say, is about turning the flame down, not up, particularly when it comes to negative emotions such as anger, frustration and hurt feelings. Learning to let go of those feelings is just as important for good health as watching what you eat, exercising, getting enough sleep and wearing a seatbelt.
Holding on to negative emotions can cause stress

"When we hold on to negative emotions such as anger, frustration and resentment, it affects circulation, digestion, respiration, hormones and so on," says Mark Cummings, an expert in stress psychology with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.

Whether its cause is physical (e.g. injury) or emotional (e.g. someone cut you off in traffic), stress attacks the immune system in the same way, weakening the body's defense system and making you more vulnerable to health problems and disease.
Signs of unresolved anger in mind and body

How do you know you have unresolved anger or bitterness towards someone? You're constantly fantasizing about their downfall or dreaming about them. "I tell patients that if they're thinking about the incident twice a year, then it's really not an issue," says psychologist Catherine Gildiner. "If they're thinking about it several times a day, they need to do something about it."

Paying attention to what your body is trying to tell you will also clue you in. Anger can express itself in a clenched jaw, dry mouth, shallow breathing and a raised voice, for instance. Inside the body, your blood pressure is probably spiking, your heart pounding and your gut tightening. The brain releases the "fight or flight" chemicals which flood your body, constricting blood vessels and potentially leading to problems such as migraines, high blood pressure, and even cardiovascular disease.
Learning to let go of negative feelings is good stress management

At the very least, holding on to resentments means you're investing time and energy in the past, not the present. "It siphons off energy that you need in the present to get healthy," says Mark Cummings.

Here's what the experts recommend to start unpacking some of that health-threatening emotional baggage:
Six steps to letting go of anger and resentment

1. Stop blaming yourself. In our stressful world, many people tend to blame themselves when things go wrong.

"You will never be able to forgive anyone if you can't forgive yourself first," says Dr. Gildiner. "When you let go of feelings of self-blame, you will immediately find it easier to forgive others."

2. Try not to take it personally. Anger about slights or wrongdoings and an inability to forgive arises from deep-seated issues back in childhood, such as feeling that your mother always favoured your brother or sister. Now, when your close friends don't seat you at the head table at their wedding, unresolved feelings of inadequacy surface with a vengeance.

Instead of thinking to yourself, I'm not good enough and that's why they didn't seat me at the head table,' recognize that the reason probably has nothing to do with you, like the fact that they didn't have any room left at the head table. Not personalizing an event makes it much easier to let go of resentment.

3. Deal with your feelings. Unresolved anger or bitterness may make it difficult for you to focus on the rest of your life.

Acknowledging your feelings is the first step to dealing with them. You may then to decide to approach whoever's upset you and discuss how you feel. Or if you feel that's not an option, you may find that understanding why you feel the way you do is enough to let you move on.

4. Put yourself in the other person's shoes. When someone says or does something that hurts you, recognize that often it's because they feel jealous or frustrated themselves.

Maybe you got the promotion, for instance, and they didn't. See the sadness in their actions and use it to let go of your negative feelings.

5. Make peace with the past. Even if a person you feel anger toward is no longer alive, you still need to forgive and let go of those feelings.

There are different ways to do this. Some people find it helpful to write down all their hurt feelings and then to let them go by tearing up the list or burning it. By laying your resentments to rest you are less likely to be haunted by them.

On the line - риалити ЧЕК

Time when l'm inclined to put emotional considerations second to the immediate necessities, as l see them, in my life. Emotional repression of one kind or another is a probable consequence of this influence. But if l do react with emotional repression, l may become hypercritical, which is really the expression of a repressed feeling, usually of resentment toward someone. Another negative expression of this influence is the "martyr game", a tactic of pretending that something is all right with me while subtly signaling that it is not and possibly trying to make others feel guilty for their behavior. Often this is done quite unconsciously. It is much better to put my feelings on the line, even if they don't seem to fit the situation.

GREEN TIPS from usa !?!?

1. Lower your thermostat. Buy a programmable thermostat.
2. Reuse your water bottle. Avoid buying bottled water. In fact, reuse everything at least once, especially plastics.
3. Check out your bathroom. Use low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets.
4. Start a compost in your back yard or on your rooftop.
5. Buy foods locally. Check out Eat Local Challenge and FoodRoutes to get started. Buy locally made products and locally produced services.
6. Buy in season.
7. Buy compact fluorescent light bulbs. You'll find more on energy-efficient products and practices at Energy Star.
8. Turn off lights and electronics when you leave the room. Unplug your cell phone charger from the wall when not using it. Turn off energy strips and surge protectors when not in use (especially overnight).
9. Recycle your newspapers.
10. Car pool. Connect with other commuters at eRideShare.
11. Consider a car sharing service like Zipcar.
12. Ride a bike.
13. Walk, jog, or run.
14. Go to your local library instead of buying new books.
15. At holidays and birthdays, give your family and friends the gift of saving the earth. Donate to their favorite environmental group, foundation, or organization.
16. Get off junk mail lists. GreenDimes can get you started. They’ll even plant a tree for you!
17. Buy products that use recyclable materials whenever possible.
18. If you use plastic grocery bags, recycle them for doggie poop bags or for small trashcan liners.
19. Bring your own bags to the grocery store. Given a choice between plastic and paper, opt for paper.
20. Buy locally. Find farmers’ markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food near you at LocalHarvest.
21. Consider organic cleaning products like vinegar, borax, and baking soda.
22. If you have a baby, consider using cloth diapers. To sign up for a diaper service to do the dirty work, check out the National Association of Diaper Services.
23. Consider buying a fuel-efficient car or a hybrid.
24. Landscape with native plants. Check out the article on the EPA website.
25. Opt into a clean energy program. Check out the Green Power Network at the US Department of Energy.
26. Go paperless. Consider reading your newspaper and magazine subscriptions online. Switch to electronic banking and credit card payment, too.
27. Teach kids about the environment.
28. Take your batteries to a recycling center. Earth 911 gives you the scoop.

Blame Eating or Eating the Blame

Circumstances arose one day which delayed preperation of the dinner of a Soto Zen master, Fukai, and his followers. In haste the cook went to the garden with his curved knife and cut off the tops of green vegetables, chopped them together and made soup, unaware that in his haste he had included a part of a snake in the vegetables.

The followers of Fugai thought they never tasted such good soup. But when the master himself found the snake's head in his bowl, he summoned the cook. "What is this?" he demanded, holding yo the head of the snake.

"Oh, thank you, master," replied the cook, taking the morsel and eating it quickly.

stupid mistake - 01:25 33°52'8"S 151°11'8"E

Need to be myself now and to feel what l really am. In my relations with others, l will project much more emotionally than usual, and if some people do not like this side of me it may be necessary to reconsider my friendship with them. In love relationships, l will experience greater emotional depth than usual, and consequently my experience with a lover will be much more intense. The only danger to watch out for here is that l may be too possessive of the other person. Also l may be so wrapped up in my own feelings that l am unaware of the other's feelings. Relations with women in general are 'improved' by this influence. Regardless, my experiences with them will very likely show me a 'great deal' about myself in a 'positive' way.

петак, 28. септембар 2007.

deep space emition

A team of astronomers has detected a huge burst of radio energy from deep space while using the Parkes radio telescope in NSW.
The huge burst of energy, which has startled scientists with its strength, is thought to have originated over 500 mega-parsecs or one-and-a-half billion light years from earth.
Professor Matthew Bailes said that the burst was unusual as this kind of activity was usually very faint at such extreme distances.
"Normally the kind of cosmic activity we're looking for at this distance would be very faint but this was so bright that it saturated the equipment," he said in a statement.
The burst of energy, which lasted for only five milliseconds, was so strong that when it was first detected six years ago it was dismissed as man-made interference.
The significance of the burst was discovered by David Narkevik when he re-analysed the six-year-old data collected at Parkes.
Lead researcher Assistant Professor Duncan Lorimer from West Virginia University said that the burst may have been a result of two stars colliding or the death of a black hole.
"The burst may have been produced by an exotic event such as the collision of two neutron stars or be the last gasp of a black hole as it evaporates completely," he said.
The amount of energy thrown out by the burst was 10exp33 joules or the equivalent to the amount of energy that around 185.3 billion average Australian homes would use in a year.
A team of astronomers has detected a huge burst of radio energy from deep space while using the Parkes radio telescope in NSW.
The huge burst of energy, which has startled scientists with its strength, is thought to have originated over 500 mega-parsecs or one-and-a-half billion light years from earth.
Professor Matthew Bailes of Swinburne University in Melbourne said that the burst was unusual as this kind of activity was usually very faint at such extreme distances.
"Normally the kind of cosmic activity we're looking for at this distance would be very faint but this was so bright that it saturated the equipment," he said in a statement.
The burst of energy, which lasted for only five milliseconds, was so strong that when it was first detected six years ago it was dismissed as man-made interference.
The significance of the burst was discovered by David Narkevik, an undergraduate from West Viginia University, when he re-analysed the six-year-old data collected at Parkes.
Lead researcher Assistant Professor Duncan Lorimer from West Virginia University said that the burst may have been a result of two stars colliding or the death of a black hole.
"The burst may have been produced by an exotic event such as the collision of two neutron stars or be the last gasp of a black hole as it evaporates completely," he said.
The amount of energy thrown out by the burst was 10exp33 joules or the equivalent to the amount of energy that around 185.3 billion average Australian homes would use in a year.

четвртак, 27. септембар 2007.

CAT : DISAMBIG - Дисамбигјуејшн

Disambiguation is the process of resolving the conflicts that occur when articles about two or more different topics have the same "natural" title.

среда, 26. септембар 2007.

plava - Blue - византијска

Seas, skies, peace, unity, harmony, tranquility, calmness, coolness, confidence, conservatism, water, ice, loyalty, dependability, cleanliness, technology, winter, depression, coldness, idealism, obscenity, tackiness, air, wisdom, royalty, nobility, Earth (planet), Virgo (light blue), Pisces (pale blue) and Aquarius (dark blue) (star sign), strength, steadfastness, light, friendliness, July (sky blue), February (deep blue), peace, mourning (Iran)[citation needed], truthfulness, love.
In many diverse cultures blue is significant in religious beliefs, believed to keep the bad spirits away.

уторак, 25. септембар 2007.

dSign 2 stay SAne

0r sit and bare what you played 4.

dobra i loša vijest

Njemačka poslovica

* "Ko ima sreću nije mu potreban razum; ko ima razum potrebna mu je sreća."

линија ажд@ye

субота, 22. септембар 2007.

21-22 5EP 2day yesterday 2m0rR0vv

The small print
Valid during several weeks: This influence frequently coincides with a period of good feeling and an optimistic outlook on life. And if you exercise some care, it will be very helpful for all kinds of contractual negotiations, conferences, planning sessions and discussions. However, it is important to be careful. This influence gives a tendency to grand thinking, to seeing the whole more clearly than the parts. You could lose precision and clarity about details, so be very careful about fine points, and read every word of the small print in all your dealings. Make sure that you have covered all the various angles. You can be careful and very successful if you are thorough at the same time. Avoid the temptation of thinking that the small details are beneath the lofty concerns of the day.

Speaking your mind
Today, you should have no difficulty keeping amused, because your mind is sharp, alive and ready for all kinds of experiences. Even in the ordinary, everyday aspects of your world you see the possibilities for new knowledge and understanding. Quite frequently this influence indicates one of those days when the telephone never seems to stop ringing. It seems as if everyone wants to get in touch with you, and you have to contact many people too. Important communications from others may very well come by mail, telephone or personal conversation. And you will speak your mind with everyone. It is very important with this influence to let people know exactly where you stand on every issue. Your honesty and forthrightness in what you say will command the respect of others.

New beginnings
Today you will find it easy to be yourself. However, you should work alone and for your own benefit. It is not that you are feeling hostile or resentful of others becoming involved in your work, but that you do not want to be dependent upon others for support or encouragement. Your life is no doubt filled with projects that you have begun at various times. You may not always be aware of their significance, and you may be acting quite unconsciously in some ways, but these projects are important nevertheless. Now is a good time to take stock of them and to examine what state they are in. If you must make new beginnings in your life to adjust imbalances that have developed, this is the time to do it. Otherwise put most of your energy into firming up the activities you are presently involved in.

четвртак, 20. септембар 2007.


*[[Википедија:Сјајни текстови/Правила|Правила]]
*[[:Категорија:Сјајни чланци на другим Википедијама|Сјајни чланци на другим Википедијама]]: [[:Категорија:Изабрани чланци на af.вики|af]] • [[:Категорија:Изабрани чланци на ar.вики|ar]] • [[:Категорија:Изабрани чланци на bg.вики|bg]] • [[:Категорија:Изабрани чланци на bs.вики|bs]] •

среда, 19. септембар 2007.

19-09-07 klinique

Elektromagnetno zračenje možemo predstaviti kao roj čestica koje se nazivaju fotoni. Svaki foton nosi određenu količinu energije. Cjelokupni raspon zračenja koje nastaje u svemiru nazivamo elektromagnetni spektar.Elektromagnetna zračenja međusobno se razlikuju jedino frekvencijom. Svjetlost nastaje kada se električni naboji kreću u elektromagnetnom polju. Atom emituje svjetlost kada je neki od njegovih elektrona potaknut dodatnom energijom izvana. Zračenje pobuđenih elektrona predstavljamo talasom. Svjetlost manje energije ima manju frekvenciju, ali veću talasnu dužinu, a ona s više energije ima veću frekvenciju ali manju talasnu dužinu.

Talasna dužina = brzina svjetlosti / frekvencija

Brzina svjetlosti, kao i svih ostalih elektromagnetnih talasa, iznosi 299 743 km/s.
Ljudsko oko reaguje samo na vrlo ograničeni raspon talasanih dužina, na vidljivu svjetlost. Međutim, ono odlično raspoznaje i vrlo male razlike unutar tog raspona. Te male razlike nazivamo boje. Boje su dakle male frekvencijske razlike u području vidljive svjetlosti. Najkraću talasnu dužinu imaju ljubičasta i plava svjetlost, a najdužu crvena svjetlost.

Spektar vidljivog zračenja čine:

* ljubičasta boja (najveća frekvencija, najkraća talasna dužina)
* plava boja
* zelena boja
* žuta i narandžasta boja
* crvena boja (najniža frekvencija, najduža talasna dužina)

Bijela svjetlost sastavljena je od kontinuiranog niza svih boja vidljivog spektra. U praksi pod bojom nekog tijela možemo smatrati boju koje tijelo reflektuje kada je osvjetljeno bijelom svjetlošću, tj. tijelo će biti obojeno nekom bojom ako mu površina apsorbuje bijelu svjetlost samo na određenom talasnom području. Boja dakle zavisi od frekvencije reflektiranog zračenja. Bijela površina je ona koja u jednakoj mjeri reflektuje sva talasna područja bijele svjetlosti. Crna površina je ona koja u potpunosti apsorbuje bijelu svjetlost. Siva površina u jednakoj mjeri reflektuje sva valna područja bijele svjetlosti, ali ih i djelomično apsorbuje.

Sposobnost stvaranja novih pojmova, ideja i rješenja problema.

Padež Jednina Množina
Nominativ kreativnost kreativnosti
Genitiv kreativnosti kreativnosti
Dativ kreativnosti kreativnostima
Akuzativ kreativnost kreativnosti
Vokativ kreativnosti kreativnosti
Lokativ kreativnosti kreativnostima
Instrumental kreativnošću / kreativnosti kreativnostima

понедељак, 17. септембар 2007.

петак, 14. септембар 2007.


Sun in Leo, Moon in Sagittarius

You were born with the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Sagittarius. Both signs combine to make you a fiery, ardent, and very temperamental individual. Internally, you are proud; you have the potential to command and exert power. You have a big heart and are generous, strong-willed, reliable, and very fixed in principles and opinions. You shine as a leader and have sufficient creativeness for business and private enterprises. You have an excess of vitality, which gives you vast ability in many activities. Leo's influence will incline you to do everything on a rather large scale. If you overstress these traits, you will appear as domineering and egotistical, always refusing to be content with second place. Your affections may become too patronizing, and your feeling of personal nobility may lead you to treat others as inferiors. Externally, your personality does not differ very much from your inner life. People view personalities having the Moon in Sagittarius as intelligent and inquisitive. In sexual matters you are a difficult person. On one side is the pride of Leo, which makes you delicate to handle where sentiments are concerned. However, because of Sagittarius, you are ardent and enthusiastic but inconstant. This might change if the relationship is important to you. The secret for a better integration of your being is to work in a field that allows you to express and protect your natural urges.

Ascendant in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the Fourth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Jupiter is located in the fourth house.

Sagittarius rising denotes lives which are very dualistic; situations come and go as if divided into two sides - success and failure.

If you are able to raise the interests of your mind from common and trivial things to more profound subjects, your intellect will become very philosophical and attracted by law and peace, and it will be more intuitive than rational. In any case your life will be colored by impulsive and rather stubborn tendencies on your part, creating some inclination to go to extremes.

During the course of your existence you must try to develop intuition and human understanding so that you may be in a position to assist other people with your advice.

Sagittarius gives you a rather strong love of nature and makes you somewhat extroverted, demonstrative and passionate, falling in love frequently and without reservations. You are an intellectual, an intelligent person who has been fortunate enough to be granted also a good development of the emotional functions.

Your romantic life will be intense and varied. Your object of love may find you difficult to understand. In one aspect you will appear as passionate and energetic but because of the mutability of the sign you will also have an opposite tendency that will lead you away from involvement in the love affair and the latter impulse will be caused by a more inner trait, which is personal freedom.

Generally speaking, the sign of Sagittarius will incline you to exist in environments in which your physical body, emotions and thoughts are allowed total freedom for development. On a higher intellectual level you may find yourself inclined to dwell in the deep complexities of philosophy, metaphysics, religion and law. You are versatile enough to study more than one discipline simultaneously not forgetting to keep your body in physical movement, since you require both intellectual and physical exercise.

The main trends of your life will be oriented, in one way or another, to derive satisfaction from intimate and family environments. This is also indicative of persons who are born with certain inherited privileges. This is a very favorable position for all matters related to inheritance, both financial and biological. Your home should be a happy one, in which interfamily relationships are strikingly favorable and in which there is peace and a harmonious home atmosphere.

Saturn in the Seventh House

Saturn was found in seventh house at the time of birth. In your dealings with others, you are going to present a very cautious personality and you will work slowly towards the achievement of security. The environment will be a very restricting factor in your life; the same limitations that hinder your relationships with others will emerge in a narrowness of reception to your ideas and emotions. This indicates that the key to more spiritual and material development lies in your response to the several tests destined for you which consist of patiently enduring difficulties through human relationships.

You should remember that Saturn does not lend a propensity to be demonstrative in an emotional sense. It does, in those individuals with whom you will start a lifelong relationship, give a sense of duty and stability of emotions. Yet you are going to experience some sorrow throughout your life in a relationship. This is mostly going to consist of the several limitations that this state is imposing upon your personal freedom.

The key to a better integration of your existence lies in the ability to view these obstacles and binds with philosophical resignation.

Sun in the Eighth House

The Sun was found in your eighth house at the time of birth. This inclines your individuality to be oriented, in one way or another, to the deeper sides of life. Your sexual feelings are long-lasting, intense, and vital. Your inner self seems attracted to unusual matters related to the termination of life-death and its mysteries.

Traditional astrology indicates that near your middle age a crisis will rear its head in your life. If this period is successfully spanned you can expect a prolonged life with a gradual heightening vitality.

Financially, there are definite chances for money inherited from either your partner or from another relative.

Venus in the Eighth House

Venus was found in your eighth house at the time of birth. This is a favorable position regarding the possibilities of financial gain through businesses owned by your partner or by associates.

Psychologically, you are going to find many harmonious conditions in your sexual relationships.

If your inner growth is such that your vital energies are oriented toward spiritual rather than material pleasures, then you will arrive at gratification and happiness through inquiry into the mysteries of life and death.

You should have some excellent opportunities for progress in your financial and social condition during your middle age or when you finally stabilize your life through marriage or any other type of close relationship.

Moon in the Twelfth House

The Moon was in your twelfth house at the time of birth. Secretly, you enjoy a love of romance and adventure that lends a bit of excitement to your daydreaming.

It is possible that the little popularity that you may enjoy in this life will be from some very reserved and secretive circles where your merits are recognized.

It can be expected that you will be successful in positions that call for solitude or remote locations.

i vikend bez Tejk Aveja, GRRrrrrrr

I say, not enough time to rest, Can I have TAKE AWAY please? She says You just started, No Take Away.

четвртак, 13. септембар 2007.

среда, 12. септембар 2007.

vizita bez kredita, klinika i ovisnička svita

jedan interesantan ugao na moju svakodnevnu potrebu da ne koristim ilegalne substance. Teta Merry meni meri, svakog dana.

петак, 7. септембар 2007.