среда, 31. октобар 2007.

B C - ProtonRadio.COM

Ogi Gee Cash & Synchronized have provided their album as a DJ Mix for our listeners.
> Listen to the mix On Demand free!
02.Nucleus(with Seraphim Codex)
05.Minimal Confusion(with Nick Nikolov)
07.Electric Penetration
08.Information Lake
10.Minimal Confusion Dub(with Nick Nikolov)

You wouldn't be mistaken thinking that Ogi, Zoran, and Stefan are sleep deprived individuals. The three have two radio shows each month (one on Proton, one on Frisky) and have been hard at work preparing numerous releases on Proton Music.
Each step has been bigger. What began as
a 3 track EP in October of 2005 was followed up with a 5 track EP in March of this year. Fast forward 5 months through numerous remixes and singles and the duo released a giant remix LP featuring interpretations of their tracks. What's next? Here is the debut "Balkan Connection" album.
Ogi Gee Cash & Synchronized are definitive progressive artists, but their album represents their diversity across the progresssive soundscape-- dabbling in tech house, minimal, and techno. Stand out tracks include "Obsession" and their collaboration with Seraphim Codex, "Nucleus". But regardless of your progressive taste, you'll find something of your liking here.
Where does the road lead from here? The Balkan Connection becomes a Proton label this month as the duo relaunches their imprint and prepares to build a family of artists to take their vision of progressive one step closer to the masses.
Any free registered member of Proton can listen to the entire album free of charge, On Demand. Supporting subscribers of the station can download the entire album as a DJ Mix at 320kbps.
Ogi Gee CashOgi Gee Cash was born in 1975 in Belgrade, Serbia. He has been DJing for twenty years and producing high-quality house music for almost nine years in which he has had nearly 150 releases both vinyl and digital. His first progressive release was "Fullbite Session ep" for Minimal Records back in 2001 and was hugely supported by all the top DJs on the globe. Due to his outstanding music production, three major compilations came along: Layo&Bushwacka "All Night Long" with the track Funky Misbehaviour (2003), Saeed&Palash with Beatcox (2004) and Can Costa "Proton Music" with Soul Food (2006).
(Read More)SynchronizedZoran Licanin was born in Zagreb in 1980. As of early age he developed an interest in playing guitar, which he perfected over the years and as a result of being in several bands, composing and producing.Stefan Milenkovic was born in Nish in 1977, where he completed primary school as well as elementary music school, instrument class-piano. At the age of 15 he moves to New Zealand where he completes secondary school and his first university degree in psychology. (Read More

Seraphim CodexIn 1994 Loving Ed Records released Robert’s first 12’’ under the name “Force-X / Eyes Of Destruction”, which had very good critics at Frontpage, and from that time his career was pushed a in forward direction. He prooves this point with a live act at (for that time) the biggest croatian rave party “Future Shock Zagreb 2001”. Soon after that he released 2 more EP’s for Loving Ed. Project “Subsequence” was bit more experimental, while “Seraphim Codex” (formed in 1996) keeps up with the modern sounds. “Seraphim Codex - Phantom Power EP” was released at 1997, and after that he realized the potential of DJing as a form to present his music to the people. He started DJing over Croatia, and formed (-uphor:a as a promotion/party project, which to this day has produced over 70 events. In the year 2000 he joined the Perfection crew as a resident DJ. 2004 sees Robert heavily involved into his own project, production and works for Perfection and MTV Valkana Beach projects. The story goes on…
His music (as a live act) is a mixture of electronic, organic sounds, with a hard groove, powerfull bass lines, and an epic feel. After 13 years on the Croatian techno scene, nobody even doubt what is he’s purpose on it.
Recently, Robert won Heineiken Thrist Studio Producer award in Croatia, and headed to LA for a production session with famous producer BT...

уторак, 30. октобар 2007.


The Turbo Grafx-16 was the first video game console in North America to have a CD-ROM peripheral (following the PC-Engine CD-ROM add-on in Japan, although the FM Towns Marty was the first console to have a built-in CD-ROM). The TurboGrafx-CD debuted at a prohibitive $399.99 (and did not include a pack-in game). Monster Lair (Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair) and Fighting Street (Street Fighter) were the initial TurboGrafx-CD titles. Ys Book I & II soon followed and was instantly recognized as the "must-have" TurboGrafx-CD game (and continues to be highly regarded today). The TurboGrafx-CD catalog grew at a snail's pace compared to the library of TurboChip (HuCard) titles.

The TurboGrafx-CD came packaged in a very large box, 85% of which was filled with protective styrofoam inserts. By some accounts, no other video game console (or peripheral) has been packaged in such an overkill manner. The TurboGrafx-CD did however come with a large plastic "carrying case" that could comfortably hold the TurboGrafx-16 base system, TurboGrafx-CD, all AC adapters, 2 – 3 controllers, and a few games.

Although the TurboGrafx-CD library was relatively small, American gamers could draw from a wide range of Japanese software since there was no region protection on TG-CD / PC Engine CD-ROM software. Many mail order (and some brick-and-mortar) import stores advertised Japanese PCE CD and HuCard titles in the video game publications of the era.

недеља, 28. октобар 2007.

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субота, 27. октобар 2007.

masculine HAND map matching


To perform or dream of magic, suggests that you need to look at things from a different view or approach problems from a new angle in order to successfully move forward.

To dream of black magic, represents that you have obtained your wishes and wants through underhanded tricks. It also symbolizes evil and treachery.

.. khm prevod

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У овом делу реферата ћемо обратити пажњу на сличност између формалних система ових приповедака отворених за новине и метафора као стилских средстава. ...
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[Projekat Rastko - Poljska] Autori

U ovom delu referata ćemo obratiti pažnju na sličnost između formalnih sistema ovih pripovedaka otvorenih za novine i metafora kao stilskih sredstava. ...
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[ More results from www.rastko.org.yu ]


четвртак, 25. октобар 2007.


Dingos may have been brought to the country by Australian aborigines who traded with Indian traders. Aborigines kept dingos in their camps and the dogs hunted with the men. In Aboriginal languages, 'dingo' is warrigal, maliki, noggum, boolomo or mirigung.

Some people spell the plural of dingo as 'dingoes', others spell it 'dingos'. Both are OK!

A dingo is a wild dog.

Dingos are covered with blue & white squares

понедељак, 22. октобар 2007.

корабль мати, moeder schip, Mutterschiff, σκάφος μητέρων, nave della madre

  • Живот који се не испитује није вредан живљења.
    Па, тако, Атињани, више него за моје добро, како неки могу мислити, ја се браним за ваше добро, да не направите грешку у вези са даром богова осудивши ме. Јер ако ме убијете, уопште нећете лако наћи другог човека попут мене, чак и ако то кажемо на комичан начин, кога је за овај град везао бог, као на великом, добро одгајеном коњу, по својој величини и лењости којим обема треба узнемиравање неке коњске муве; на овај начин изгледа да ме је бог везао за град, као неко ко узнемирава и прекорева свакога од вас ја не стајем читав дан. Стога такав неће лако поново доћи к вама, људи, али ако ми верујете, поштедећете ме; али можда се можете наћи увређеним, попут спавача који је пробуђен, ударајући ме, верујући Аниту, лако бисте могли да (ме) убијете, а онда би сте остатак својих живота могли да проведете спавајући, осим ако вам бог који брине о вама не пошаље новога.
  • Крите, дугујем петла Асклепију; хоћеш ли се сетити да платиш дуг? — Последње речи.
  • Одиста, Исхомаше, тежим да питам: "Да ли се твоје учење заснива на постављању питања?" Заиста, тајна твог система ми је управо овог тренутка постала јасна. Изгледа да видим принцип по коме постављаш питања. Водиш ме кроз поља мог знања, а онда истичући аналогије ономе што знам, убеђујеш ме да ја стварно знам неке ствари које до сад, како сам веровао нисам знао.

недеља, 21. октобар 2007.

Seeking release

Monday may be surprising to me, or my actions may surprise others. The latter indicates that I'm more in tune with my inner self, because the fundamental meaning of this influence is that I have a strong drive to seek release from my usual routines. The everyday patterns of my life will not adequately satisfy my needs today, and I'll act in ways that are completely out of accord with my habits. The function of this energy is to introduce the element of liveliness on the everyday level in order to keep my life from settling down into a dreary, lifeless routine. Actions directed at breaking free are not a bad thing, as long as I'm really trying to liberate myself, but if this tendency is carried to excess I may be simply headstrong, impulsive and rash.

субота, 20. октобар 2007.

L'x PRESS - CONSIGA LISTO - promah -hšaj č;)

NoLE won his seventh match in a row as he
followed up on last week's' Vienna title, defeating 2003 champion Juan Carlos Ferrero 6-3, 2-6, 6-4, to move into the quarter-finals of the Madrid Masters.


How far deep can you dig earth?

Has Not Been Answered Yet

( i ) saw - UFO

15/10 - 21/10: Scott Grooves - Mothership Reconnection (Daft Punk Remix)
08/10 - 14/10: Lindstrom - Fast & Delirious
01/10 - 07/10: Cansei De Ser Sexy - Let's Make
Love (Streetlife DJ's Wordy Rappinghood Remix)
24/09 - 30/09: Thomas Bangalter - Club Soda
17/09 - 23/09: LO-FI-FNK - The City (The Teenagers Remix)
10/09 - 16/09: No song of the week, not at home!
03/09 - 09/09: Lemon Jelly - '75 Aka Stay With You
27/08 - 02/09: Sneaky Sound System - UFO (SebastiAn vs. Blaze Tee ReRub)

( i ) saw - UFO unindentified future object

Current Planets
21-Oct-2007, 05:55 UT/GMT

tajm brejk with southwestern - Dante

Taxi Services in New South WalesImage of taxi

The Ministry of Transport is responsible for the regulation of the taxi industry in NSW, including:

  • Issuing taxi driver authorities, taxi operator accreditations and taxi licenses,
  • Authorising the operation of taxi networks,
  • Enforcing taxi vehicle and taxi meter standards.

Months were named:

1. Moses
2. Homer
3. Aristotle
4. Archimedes
5. Caesar
6. Saint Paul
7. Charlemagne
8. Dante
9. Gutenberg
10. Shakespeare
11. Descartes
12. Frederic
13. Bichat

In 1849, Comte wrote that he called his calendar a "breach of continuity" with the old way of thinking, and his Humanistic calendar was part of that breach. He called it, "a provisional institution, destined for the present exceptional century to serve as an introduction to the abstract worship of Humanity."

Full Synopsis of past moviez

Action and comedy are served in equal portions in this Australian crime thriller. Jimmy (Heath Ledger) is a 19-year-old living in Sydney who is somehow asked to run an errand for local underworld kingpin Pando (Bryan Brown). Before Jimmy knows what's happened, he owes Pando $10,000, and finds the gangster's muscle men are out for his blood. Jimmy attempts to stage a bank robbery to recover the loot, with disastrous results; when he has a spare moment, he tries to win the heart of Alex (Rose Byrne), a pretty girl from the country. This slam-bang entertainment was an uncharacteristic entry in the 1999 Sundance Film Festival, where it received its U.S. premiere. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide

Personal advancement - Лични напретци

This is a time of confidence and benevolence. l'm secure in my knowledge of myself and in the direction my life is taking. Even so, l'm willing to learn more, and l'll have many opportunities to do so. My career and home life should be going quite smoothly at this time, and l may receive opportunities for personal advancement. This influence sometimes indicates an important position of leadership. Certainly my relationship with the people in power over l should be good, which will be important in my quest for personal advancement.

My present attitude of confidence and security is not likely to degenerate into selfish pride or arrogance, unless this is part of my basic character.l'm much more likely to appreciate this chance to grow in wisdom and maturity. This is a good time to pursue an education if l desire, because l'm open to new ideas and will be receptive to my studies. Law, philosophy and medicine are particularly appropriate subjects to the symbolism of this influence, but l'm not limited to these.

This is also a good time to get in touch with my inner feelings. l'm much more willing than usual to face the inner hidden aspects of myself that l have been afraid to face in the past. Now l see a confrontation with my inner self as another opportunity to learn, and in truth it is. Also l'll be able to understand how my past has affected the present, and l'll learn to gain control over parts of myself that used to control me. This increase in self-knowledge may be accompanied by or may come to me through an increased 'religious' or spiritual self-awareness.

петак, 19. октобар 2007.

x TENSION 4 ( ! ) SAW

The term extension in a computing context most commonly refers to a computer program that although not useful or functional in its own right, is designed to be incorporated into another piece of software in order to enhance, or extend, the functionality.

Examples of software applications that support extensions include the Mozilla Firefox Web browser, Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Windows Explorer shell extensions. It is common to find that applications whose scope is potentially unbounded will feature an extensions interface (API), and the API description will often be published so that third-party developers can produce extensions.

Extension mechanisms can also be found in some operating systems such as with Linux kernel modules. The runtime environment of some programming languages also support extensions, such as PHP with support for extensions that provide an interface to third party libraries, and extensions to offer debugging, profiling, security and performance enhancement.

Things of beauty

This is a time to take the initiative in all kinds of relationships, especially love relationships. If l reveal my love for someone at this time, it may turn the relationship in a new direction. Even if l believe that my loved one knows how l feel, shouldn't leave it to her imagination. The desire for beautiful things is strong during this time, influencing me to buy things of beauty, such as clothes, cosmetics, objects of art, things to beautify the home, or works of literature and musical recordings. Surround myself with beauty and take advantage of the lighter and more pleasant aspects of life. Under this influence l'm affectionate and want to be with friends. l'll be in a good mood and able to enjoy almost anything that comes along.

среда, 17. октобар 2007.

a dingos

Did you know that your dog is, by instinct, a pack animal? Socialization is crucial for dogs of all ages. One of the most important skills a dog can gain from ”doggie daycare” is socialization. A dog daycare can provide your puppy or dog the opportunity to learn how to interact with other dogs. They learn how to communicate with other dogs, discovering how to tell when another dog wants to play and when they do not.
"A fascinating, humorous and downright interesting account of the rewards, perils, responsibilities and fun in caring for animals and their 'mobile-homes' while the owners are away."

понедељак, 15. октобар 2007.

kings cross late start - supa dupa

this time Car couldn't
move, 'couse flat battery ,,, all smiles