среда, 28. новембар 2007.
понедељак, 26. новембар 2007.
BiH grafiti - be3 cen3ype
Ovde su se usrale i delije.A GROBARI ručali! (WC na beogradskom ETF-u)
Slobi fali PRINCIP! (Gavrilo)
Vuče, pogrešio si u jednom slovu. Trebalo je da me POJEDEŠ!(trudna Crvenkapa)
Mrzim Uskrs! (potpis: jaje)
Da smo se drukčije sreli, sve bi bilo ranije.
Dajem se. (Ines)
U sosu sam. (ćufta)
Dunav zakazao sudar Savi. Znak raspoznavanja - Beograd.
Da li je Homerova ulica slepa ulica?
Nikad ne raspravljaj s frizerom o politici. (Ćelava)
Nema brašna, nema leba, glasali ste kako treba! (Beograd)
Kakva hrana! Sva sreća što je nismo zgazili. (menza u "Loli")
Stranger in the night. Sida in the morning.
Neću žvaku, hoću svoj kusur! (u Prijedoru)
Društvo mekih kita. (na zgradi Doma penzionera u Mostaru)
Ratovanje za mir je isto što i tucanje za nevinost!
Ne slušaj narodnjake, umri prirodnom smrću!
Tito vrati se, sve ti je oprošteno! (Sarajevo)
Pesimist je dobro obaviješteni optimist. (Bugojno)
Jebo učenje, uči jebanje! (na zgradi u Doboju)
Žene pamet u glavu, a dole šta uleti! (Tuzla)
Ako želite siguran seks, obavite to u farmerkama!
Ne kupujte kasete japanske grupe TDK! Ništa se ne čuje!
Jedite govna, hiljadu muha ne može biti u zabludi! (Zenica)
Danas je vodostaj na Vrbasu nizak. Molim, dva put povucite vodu! (Bugono)
Ne brišite nosove stolnjacima! Zašto vam služe rukavi? (iz jedne sarajevske kafane)
U alkoholu sigurno ima ženskih hormona, jer ja kad popijem ne znam voziti auto i počnem pričati gluposti.
Lejla, znaš li onaj vic od kojeg otpadaju grudi? Jao, izvini, vidim da si ga već čula!
Nije sve u krevetu, ima nešto i ispod dušeka.
Ja nisam debela, ja sam žena i po! (na salonu za uljepšavanje u Sarajevu)
Budi uz mene kad odem od tebe.
Bolje ispasti glup, nego iz autobusa!
Čuvajte mi Jugoslaviju! Dobar je to hotel (Beograd)
Ne spuštajte ruke! Ima još da se glasa! (Na zgradi Skupštine Srbije)
Za lepršav hod i sjaj u očima, koristite kozmetiku "HEINEKEN".
Neko nam je stavio drogu u heroin! (grafit na Voždovcu)
Možda ženama mozak i nije slaba točka … ali je ipak točka!
Probudite se s osmehom na licu! Spavajte s ofingerom u ustima!
Šta to znaci živeti u iluziji? Kad posle 25 godina braka primetiš da ti žena nije strastvena nego astmatičar.
Vozim kao grom! Svaki dan udarim u drvo!
Himeniziramo vagine! (na Karaburmi)
Hiljadu ljudi - hiljadu čudi, hiljadu žena - 2000 sisa! (u Borci)
Sida, sida, e pa šta je, ako je sida nije rak!
Naš vazduh ima jednu prednost - vidimo šta udišemo!
Proleće u Beogradu - ujutru se čuju ptice kako kašlju.
Mene novac i slava ne zanimaju. Samo novac!
Danas sam imao užasan dan: ukrali su mi auto, obili su mi stan, jedino pozitivno je HIV-test.
Izgubio sam veru u sebe, veru u ljubav, veru u svet, jedinu nadu sam našao u igli, sad heklam i super mi je!
Pas je čovekov najbolji prijatelj. Žena zauzima izvanredno drugo mesto.
Nikad te neću zaboraviti, samo idi!
субота, 24. новембар 2007.
узми ово
east coast BLUEz
contra version'al view
there goes Friday shift start,
rank and a job like any normal day
on the lights position number two
waiting to cross the road action number two.
Lady in front slow on a start,
somehow braking some cops hart
Me behind her with the meter on,
trying to get thru and get by away
Lady passed the LINE and should of gone true
instead she starts reversing without looking back
I press the horn to get her warn that I'm standing,
behind close to get bumped into.
But the copELINA took it wrong, comes to my car,
and starts lashing, WHERE IS YOUR SEAT BELT!?!
and starts again, DO YA KNOW IF SHE CRASHED
I'D BE AT FAULT, there I start to state my case,
helping the lady standing in front...
odo na glasanje, ostatak LATEnije
svaka cast
In real life football the atmosphere around a team is of great influence on its performance. If there is bad management or an incompetent coach this will have a negative effect on the way players feel and act on the pitch. In Hattrick this effect is represented by the Team Spirit.
The Team Spirit has a direct effect on the strength of a team's midfield. The actual midfield strength based on players abilities is increased or decreased according to the Team Spirit. The midfield strength of both teams determines the distribution of chances, so a high Team Spirit will boost your midfield and deliver you more regular chances.
elections - TIME FOR A CHANGE
get a fresh start against that.....
Australian Prime Minister John Howard and rival Kevin Rudd traded bitter salvoes Wednesday as they hunkered down for three days of "trench warfare" ahead of an election that could end Howard's 11-year rule.
With pollsters tipping Rudd to win Saturday's ballot by a landslide, each man warned supporters that the battle for power would be extremely tough.
"Whoever wins this election on Saturday will win by a nose," Rudd said in an address to the National Press Club in Canberra, his last major speech before the general election.
"This is tough, ugly and nasty. There will be trench warfare between now and Saturday," the 50-year-old contender for Australia's top job warned voters.
Rudd outlined his plans for government, saying Australia would be better off in the future if his centre-left Labor Party emerges triumphant from the poll.
"Saturday will decide whether Australia gets stuck in the world's slow lane, letting other nations pass us by, or whether Australia decides to shift up a gear so we can properly realise our true potential as a nation.
"After 11 years it's now time to turn the page on this government. It's time for a new chapter in our nation's history to beginхостел - бесплатан смештај за једну особу
tale about policewoman frustration - coming soon
Because of this abuse and the lack of accountability to the community, many people don't see the police as "public servants". Police are seen as part of the power structure in this community that oppresses them. And the problem is worsened by the fact that our political leaders rarely speak out against this violence and sometimes give a wink and a nod when it happens blaming the victims. Police abuse and other forms of criminal injustice pose a threat to the foundations of our democracy. It adds to the frustration and hopelessness of people who already feel abandoned and serves to further undermine the trust that citizens have in their government.
петак, 23. новембар 2007.
усијање - љубасто
четвртак, 22. новембар 2007.
podsećanje na besmrtne - alle Elemente angenommen
Market Garden - MCMXC - The Halyard Mission
The operation was initially successful with the capture of the Waal bridge at Nijmegen on September 20. But it was a failure overall since the planned Allied advance across the Rhine at Arnhem had to be abandoned. The 1st Airborne Division did not secure the bridge at Arnhem, and although they managed to hold out near the bridge far longer than planned, the British XXX Corps failed to relieve them. The Rhine remained a barrier to the Allied advance until the offensives at Remagen, Oppenheim, Rees and Wesel in March 1945. Due to the Allied defeat at Arnhem, the north of the Netherlands could not be liberated before winter and the Hongerwinter ('Hungerwinter') took thousands of lives, particularly in the cities of the Randstad area.
среда, 21. новембар 2007.
tAKE THIS - gmvrp
There is no specific treaty ban on the use of DU projectiles. There is a developing scientific debate and concern expressed regarding the impact of the use of such projectiles and it is possible that, in future, there will be a consensus view in international legal circles that use of such projectiles violate general principles of the law applicable to use of weapons in armed conflict. No such consensus exists at present.
al solutgoions
"...Turing's informal argument in favor of his thesis justifies a stronger thesis: every algorithm can be simulated by a Turing machine" (Gurevich 2000:1) ...according to Savage [1987], "an algorithm is a computational process defined by a Turing machine."(Gurevich 2000:3)
Typically, when an algorithm is associated with processing information, data are read from an input source or device, written to an output sink or device, and/or stored for further processing. Stored data are regarded as part of the internal state of the entity performing the algorithm. In practice, the state is stored in a data structure, but an algorithm requires the internal data only for specific operation sets called abstract data types.
недеља, 18. новембар 2007.
stay local act global
This is one of the finest influences under which to relax and take it easy, and probably you will not feel like working anyway.
баћушка - 1ozzy wiev
- adj., dour·er, dour·est.
1. Marked by sternness or harshness; forbidding: a dour, self-sacrificing life.
2. Silently ill-humored; gloomy: the proverbially dour New England Puritan.
3. Sternly obstinate; unyielding: a dour determination.
[Middle English, possibly from Middle Irish dúr, probably from Latin dūrus, hard.]
dourly dour'ly adv.
dourness dour'ness n.USAGE NOTE The word dour, which is etymologically related to duress and endure, traditionally rhymes with tour. The variant pronunciation that rhymes with sour is, however, widely used and must be considered acceptable. In a recent survey, 65 percent of the Usage Panel preferred the traditional pronunciation, and 33 percent preferred the variant.dour
1. Cold and forbidding: austere, bleak, grim, hard, harsh, severe, stark. See attitude/good attitude/bad attitude/neutral attitude, hot/cold/lukewarm.
2. Broodingly and sullenly unhappy: gloomy, glum, moody, morose, saturnine, sour, sulky, sullen, surly. See happy/unhappy.
Definition: gloomy, grim
Antonyms: bright, cheerful, cheery, happy
субота, 17. новембар 2007.
колумбо '' карамела'' 1492
Those who went out in the Santa Maria, and returned in the Nina:--
- Christopher Columbus, captain-general
- Juan de La Cosa, of Santona, master, and owner of the vessel.
- Sancho Ruiz, pilot.
- Maestre Alonso, of Moguer, physician.
- Maestre Diego, boatswain (contramaestre).
- Rodrigo Sanchez, of Segovia, inspector (veedor).
- Terreros, steward (maestresala)
- Rodrigo de Jerez, of Ayamonte.
- Ruiz Garcia, of Santona.
- Rodrigo de Escobar.
- Francisco de Huelva, of Huelva.
- Rui Fernandez, of Huelva.
- Pedro de Bilbao, of Larrabezua.
- Pedro de Villa, of Santona.
- Diego de Salcedo, servant of Columbus.
- Pedro de Acevedo, cabin boy.
- Luis de Torres, converted Jew, interperter.
m5 - blackout occurred during the off-peak period, sometime before 1.30pm
November 16, 2007 - 04.35?M news, 8:55 spejs
петак, 16. новембар 2007.
Crash slows traffic November 15, 2007 - 6:25PM
The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) said the collision happened about 5.15pm (AEDT) at the northern end of the bridge near Lavender Street at North Sydney.
Two northbound lanes and one southbound lane were blocked, causing heavy delays.
Police, ambulance and tow trucks attending the scene had reduced traffic to a crawl, the RTA said.
One man involved in the collision was being treated for minor injuries, a NSW Ambulance spokeswoman said.
The RTA recommended commuters take the Harbour Tunnel to avoid delays
Constant use damages the membrane of the nose
Lavender: Research has found that the lavender scent increases the alpha waves in the back of the head, which are associated with relaxation. It is also believed to enhance memory, aid insomnia, reduce anxiety and have a calming affect on users. Lavender has also been found to sooth burns on the skin.
Tea Tree: Tea Tree oil can act as a natural antiseptic and has been found to assist in healing minor burns, infections, ulcers, cuts and even acne. Its medicinal aroma can also act as a stimulant to energise and invigorate.
Ylang Ylang (1st Grade): The exotic floral aroma of Ylang Ylang (1st Grade) is sometimes used to combat depression by promoting feelings of euphoria. It is also believed to help users de-stress, become less irritable and ease anxiety. Ylang Ylang is also thought to have particular physical benefits such as lowering blood pressure and aiding the stimulation of new skin and hair growth.
Geranium: Like Tea Tree, Geranium oil is sometimes used as a mild antiseptic that can help to heal minor burns, cuts and infections. It has also been shown to benefit skin conditions, in particular teenage acne, by supporting the epidermis. Massage oil infused with Geranium can act as a perfect 'soother' for symptoms of period pain and menopause while the aroma is thought to have both an energizing and relaxing effect.
Orange: Orange essential oil can have an energising and stimulating effect on the mind which is used to help prevent lethargy. The fragrance is believed to clear and refresh the mind, lessen stress and decrease feelings of anxiety. The oil can also help the body in the production of collagen and stimulate circulation, which can help users to achieve younger and fresher looking skin.
Peppermint: The fresh aroma of Peppermint oil has been found to relieve tension and ease anger. It helps to invigorate the mind and can therefore assist tiredness. Peppermint oil is also used to ease muscular pain, tension and cramps and has been found to help with relieving headaches.
четвртак, 15. новембар 2007.
The pasteurization process uses heat to destroy harmful bacteria without significantly changing milk's nutritional value or flavor. In addition to killing disease-causing bacteria, pasteurization destroys bacteria that cause spoilage, extending the shelf life of milk.
Milk can become contaminated on the farm when animals shed bacteria into the milk. Cows, goats, and sheep carry bacteria in their intestines that do not make them sick but can cause illness in people who consume their untreated milk or milk products.
But pathogens that are shed from animals aren't the only means of contamination, says Tom Szalkucki, assistant director of the Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Cows can pick up pathogens from the environment just by lying down--giving germs the opportunity to collect on the udder, the organ from which milk is secreted. "Think about how many times a cow lays down in a field or the barn," says Szalkucki. "Even if the barn is cleaned thoroughly and regularly, it's not steamed. Contamination can take place because it's not a sterile environment."
недеља, 11. новембар 2007.
Za koga - kolega
Znate kaj, mladi gospon. Stoke kod nas ima i puno više. Ja bih osobno bil za Staljina, nama treba čvrsta ruka, a taj je bil dobar. Samo je fmrl. E, to bi onda bilo nešto...
Uđoh, tako, prije neku večer u taksi. A taksi - uobičajeno, bijeli Mercedes, unutra postariji čičica, na ogledalu krunica, pouzdan znak onoga što se sada pomodno zove neokonzervativna orijentacija iako mi se to osobno čini malo prepompoznim. (Jer odmah provrtim u glavi film prošlosti - Drago Krpina, neokonzervativac. Tomislav Merčep - tačerijanac. Josip Manolić - neojakobinac, Slavko Linić - eurosocijalista. Hm, mi njima serdaru...)
I, kamo ćemo, veli taksista.
Ne znam točno, kažem. U piceriju, preko puta 'Plave lagune', ne znam kako se zove.
'Konkordija', veli taksista.
Bravo, kažem. Imate odlično pamćenje. Ja se baš i ne mogu pohvaliti... Jest, baš je 'Konkordija'.
Ne morate pamtiti sve. Pamtite samo ono bitno, veli moj vozač.
Pa to i radim, odgovaram. Otkako sam pročitao Montaignove eseje, u kojima piše da mozgu treba prepustiti da sam razluči važno i nevažno, ne pamtim po planu. Što ostane, ostane, što ne -ne. Nego, dodajem, kaj velite, kak budu prošli izbori?
E, tu je takstista zagrmio: NOVA METLA BOLJE METE!
Rekao bih da je to bilo iznenađenje. Zapravo, možda bi bilo još točnije reći - šok i nevjerica. Pa barem su taksisti na izborima uvijek bili vojska spasa za HDZ. Tad sam krenuo s opakom demagogijom. Udario sam ispod pojasa.
Ali črleni vragi nam budu poreza prišarafili, rekao sam taksisti, uživljen, do koske, u ulogu reakcionara i klasnog neprijatelja.
Jebe se meni, zaprostačio je taksista po prvi put. Nemam ja dionice. A i to je lopovska igra. INU su prodali MOL-u po 900 kuna a nama po 1600. Lopovi. Ko u ovoj zemlji ima novaca za dionice, pitam ja vas.
Hm, pomislio sam...
Znate kaj, rekao je takstista s krunicom. Zmago Jelinčič je bio u pravu. Naši su političari stoka.
Zmago je mislio samo na jednog koji skuplja Kinder jaja, pojasnio sam mu riječi našeg sjevernjačkog susjeda, šaljivdžije.
Svi! Svi su oni stoka, nije se dao smesti taksista. Pa je nastavio: Znate kaj, mladi gospon. Stoke kod nas ima i puno više. Ja bih osobno bil za Staljina, nama treba čvrsta ruka, a taj je bil dobar. Samo je fmrl. E, to bi onda bilo nešto...
Šok - i nevjerica. Taksista s krunicom glasat će za SDP. Vrag je odnio šalu, ankete mi nakon ovog baš i ne trebaju, vidimo kamo stvari idu.
Tako smo taksista i ja na kratkom potezu od Jaruna do Trešnjevke analizirali vrlo širok politički luk, razapet od neokonzervativaca do poststaljinista.
Pred nama se ukazao hotel Plava Laguna, a nasuprot njega picerija. Picerija se zapravo zove Karijola, ima odličnu picu koju je pohvalio čak i Davor Butković, a taksista staljinista koji me u nju doveo nije puno pogriješio - ona se nekoć uistinu zvala Konkordija, ali u davnoj prošlosti koju obojica promatramo sa mrvicom nostalgije.
rubber TRENJE
First principle calculations of frictional forces for realistic systems are gener-
ally impossible, since friction is an interfacial property, often determined by the
last few uncontrolled monolayers of atoms or molecules at the interface. In dia-
mond, a huge friction results between two clean surfaces in ultra high vacuum,
because of the strong interaction between the surface dangling bonds. However,
saturation of these bonds by a hydrogen monolayer (as they generally are in
reality) leads to extremely low friction. Since most surfaces of practical use are
covered by several monolayers of contaminant molecules of unknown composi-
tion, a quantitative prediction of sliding friction coefficients is not possible. An
exception to this may be rubber friction on rough surfaces.
Rubber friction is of great practical importance, e.g., in the context of tires,
wiper blades, conveyor belts and rubber seals. Rubber friction on smooth sub-
strates, e.g., on smooth glass surfaces, has two contributions, adhesive (surface)
and hysteretic (bulk). The former results from the attractive forces between the
rubber surface and the substrate. Surface forces are often dominated by weak
attractive van der Waals interactions. For very smooth substrates, because of
the low elastic moduli of rubber-like materials, this weak attraction may result
in a nearly complete contact at the interface, even when the applied squeezing
force is very small. The result is the large sliding friction force usually observed.
For rough surfaces, however, the adhesive contribution will be much smaller be-
cause of the small contact area. The actual contact area between a tire and
a road surface, for example, is typically around 1% of the nominal footprint
contact area, i.e., of order of 1 cm
for the tire of a family car. Under these
conditions, bulk (hysteretic) friction should prevail. For example, the extreme
temperature-dependence of tire-road friction reflects the strong temperature de-
pendence of the viscoelastic bulk properties of rubber.
The main contribution to rubber friction when a rubber block slides on a
rough substrate, i.e., a tire on a road surface, is the viscoelastic energy dissipa-
tion in the surface region of the rubber. These result from the pulsating forces
acting on the rubber surface from the substrate asperities (see Figure 1). Re-
cently we developed a theory that describes this dissipation process accurately,
and also predicts the velocity dependence (and the time-history dependence)
of the rubber friction coefficient. The results depend only on the (complex)
viscoelastic modulus E(ω) of the rubber and the substrate surface roughness
power spectra C(q), and agrees well with experiment.
субота, 10. новембар 2007.
Slang terms - peevish.co.uk/slang
A "loogie" is a slang expression used in North America to refer to a mass of sputum that is ejected from the mouth after being expelled from the throat of a person with nasal congestion. The expression "hocking a loogie" refers to expelling the phlegm in an obviously noisy manner involving violent vibrations of the uvula, producing a low, guttural, rumbling sound. "Hock" (alternate spelling "hawk") is derived from the archaic word "hough," pronounced the same way, meaning to clear one's throat. The word "loogie" arose as early as 1970, and appears to be a conjunction of the older slang "lung-er" (meaning an expectoration or a tuberculosis patient) and the word "booger" or "boogie." This practice may have other names in other countries and within the medical community. In the UK, the mass can be referred to as a 'flob', a portmanteau of the phonetic pronunciation of phlegm and 'gob', a slang term for saliva.and very with time.
A "snot rocket" is a slang term referencing the act of holding one nostril while forcefully exhaling through the other mucous filled nostril resulting in a "rocket"-like projection of mucus from the nose and sinuses. This is also known as a "dustman's flick", "air hanky", "shotgun booger", "farmer's blow", "nose gob" or "farmer's hanky" or more offensively as a "guinea hankerchief" and "dutch hanky."
Dried nasal mucus is often removed by nose-picking. The social taboos regarding nasal mucus have also led to a wide variety of slang terms for nasal mucus. These include "snot", or "snotter" (Scottish), for nasal mucus; and "boogers" (U.S.), "boogies" (U.S.), or "bogies" (UK) for dried nasal mucus.
понедељак, 5. новембар 2007.
Asymmetric structural motions of the homomeric alpha7 nicotinic receptor ligand binding domain revealed by molecular dynamics simulation.
in the air
1. A way of doing something, especially an ordered set of procedures or an orderly system.
Thesaurus: procedure, mode, way, approach, modus operandi, manner, plan, practice, routine, system, technique, style.
2. Good planning; efficient organization.
3. A technique used in a particular activity.
Example: farming methods
Form: methods (often)4. See under method acting.
Form: Method
Form: the method
Derivative: methodical
Efficient and orderly; done in an orderly or systematic way.
Thesaurus: orderly, exact, scrupulous, precise, punctilious, painstaking, meticulous, deliberate, disciplined, systematic, regular, planned, organized; Antonym: irregular, random, disorderly.
Derivative: methodically
Derivative: methodicalness
Idiom: method in one's madness
Reason or good sense underlying what seems an odd or chaotic situation or procedure.
Etymology: 19c: referring to Shakespeare's Hamlet (II ii) ‘Though this be madness, yet there is method in it'. &clock; 16c: from French methode or Latin methodus, from Greek methodos.
субота, 3. новембар 2007.
neki podаТци o pravopisnim питањима
Oboje može, ovisno koga slušaš. Neki su više za podaci, zadaci itd., zbog izgovorne lakoće. --Abyssus 13:28, 25. Augusta 2006. (CEST)
Po njima, podatci. Teže je izgovorivo, ali ionako ćeš izgovoriti kao podaci. Draže mi je i zato jer moraju djeca manje učiti (jednačenja suglasnika, više smo se mi namučili dok su nas "ispravljali" da ne pišemo metci nego meci. Po meni nepotrebno. Pišeš metci, a ionako ćeš izgovoriti kako ti je lakše.). Pozdrav, Kubura 15:08, 25. Augusta 2006. (CEST)
Čovjek pita što je pravilno, a pravilno je oboje. A tu nema nikakvog jednačenja (drugo su redak - redci - reci :). Dakle - piši kako želiš, ali budi dosljedan. Nemoj jednom pisati ovako, a drugi put onako. :) --Abyssus 15:51, 25. Augusta 2006. (CEST)
петак, 2. новембар 2007.
drive by ( ! ) @ 165 mph
Physical structure
All tropical cyclones are areas of low atmospheric pressure near the Earth's surface. The pressures recorded at the centers of tropical cyclones are among the lowest that occur on Earth's surface at sea level. Tropical cyclones are characterized and driven by the release of large amounts of latent heat of condensation, which occurs when moist air is carried upwards and its water vapor condenses. This heat is distributed vertically around the center of the storm. Thus, at any given altitude (except close to the surface, where water temperature dictates air temperature) the environment inside the cyclone is warmer than its outer surroundings.
Rainbands are bands of showers and thunderstorms that spiral cyclonically toward the storm center. High wind gusts and heavy downpours often occur in individual rainbands, with relatively calm weather between bands. Tornadoes often form in the rainbands of landfalling tropical cyclones. Intense annular tropical cyclones are distinctive for their lack of rainbands; instead, they possess a thick circular area of disturbed weather around their low pressure center. While all surface low pressure areas require divergence aloft to continue deepening, the divergence over tropical cyclones is in all directions away from the center. The upper levels of a tropical cyclone feature winds directed away from the center of the storm with an anticyclonic rotation, due to the Coriolis effect. Winds at the surface are strongly cyclonic, weaken with height, and eventually reverse themselves. Tropical cyclones owe this unique characteristic to requiring a relative lack of vertical wind shear to maintain the warm core at the center of the storm.