уторак, 25. децембар 2007.


At this time you have to deal with your own hurt feelings - either you are reminded of old wounds by some incident, or a sore point is disturbed again. Maybe you feel a little weak and are conscious of a certain aversion to handling the usual everyday interchanges - a feeling as if you were coming down with flu. If you now have the need to be alone, then that is what you should really do. If you make too many demands on yourself or if you are not left in peace, you may become hurtful to others - for example, your children if you are a parent - as a result of a certain indifference. Fortunately, this influence lasts at most half a day.

недеља, 23. децембар 2007.


As racism carries references to race-based prejudice, violence, or oppression, the term has varying and often hotly contested definitions. Racialism is a related term intended to avoid these negative meanings. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another race or races. The Merriam-Webster's Webster's Dictionary defines racism as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race, and that it is also the prejudice based on such a belief.[1] The Macquarie Dictionary defines racism thus: the belief that human races have distinctive characteristics which determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule or dominate others.

четвртак, 20. децембар 2007.

Storms cause flash floods and power outages

Fierce storms have toppled large trees into houses and caused flash floods across NSW, emergency services said yesterday.

A State Emergency Services (SES) spokesman said suburbs in Sydney's west had been badly hit, but the storm was not the worst this year.

"In the south-west [of Sydney] we've had 110 requests for assistance, mostly in Ingleburn but extending to Liverpool, Greenacre and Bankstown," he said.

"Ingleburn was at the epicentre with a number of large trees on homes."

Fallen trees on powerlines, roads and homes were also reported in Lake Macquarie, the upper Hunter and as far west as Lightning Ridge.

недеља, 16. децембар 2007.

Intelematics SUNA idea

Connect the RDS-TMC Traffic Receiver to your Intelematics transmiter and receive traffic incidents automatically over the TMC connection*. Once a route is planned, traffic warnings - including total time of delay and distance to incident - along your route are clearly displayed on the traffic bar on the main navigation screen. Touch the traffic bar and receive detailed information specific to the incident(s) on your route. For example, you can view the cause of incident (accident, construction work, congestion, traffic building, etc.) location, duration, and length of incident.
Intelematics is the partner of choice for Australian automotive companies and portable device manufacturers looking to outsource their telematics programs or considering the launch of real time traffic information services.

Intelematics have extensive experience in all aspects of telematics program delivery and provide customers with a proven, low risk market entry option. Working with customers they are driven to create telematics solutions that strengthen their brand, build sustainable revenue streams and establish a direct marketing relationship that builds long term customer loyalty.

Pioneering traffic services for Australian motorists, Intelematics is well advanced in the deployment of its SUNA Traffic service.


A logo (Greek λογότυπος = logotipos) is a graphical element, (ideogram, symbol, emblem, icon, sign) that, together with its logotype (a uniquely set and arranged typeface) form a trademark or commercial brand. Typically, a logo's design is for immediate recognition, inspiring trust, admiration, loyalty and an implied superiority. The logo is one aspect of a company's commercial brand, or economic entity, and its shapes, colors, fonts, and images usually are different from others in a similar market. Logos are also used to identify organizations and other, non-commercial entities.

Logo design is a most important area of graphic design, thus the most difficult to perfect. The logo (ideogram), is the image embodying an organization. Because logos are meant to represent companies' brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer recognition, it is counterproductive to frequently redesign logos.
When designing (or commissioning) a logo, practices to encourage are to

* avoid being excess in attempting uniqueness
* use few colors, limited colors, spot colors
* avoid gradients (smooth color transitions) as a distinguishing feature
* produce alternatives for different contexts
* design using vector graphics, so the logo can be resized without loss of fidelity
* be aware of design or trademark infringements
* include guidelines on the position on a page and white space around the logo for consistent application across a variety of media (a.k.a. brand standard manual)
* not use a specific choice clip-art as a distinguishing feature
* not use the face of a (living) person
* not use photography or complex imagery as it reduces the instant recognition a logo demands
* avoid culturally sensitive imagery, such as religious icons or national flags, unless the brand is committed to being associated with any and all connotations such imagery may evoke

Tadpole AKA polliwog

polliwog is a Java based Web-log processor that creates a website about your website visitors. It is designed to help you understand what your visitors actually do when visiting your website and thus get the most out of your website.

Whilst most processors focus on hits and pages, polliwog is more visit oriented.

polliwog uses a highly customizable, XML-based framework along with an object model to produce detailed reports about your website visitors activity.

субота, 15. децембар 2007.

Vrelo on BBC - Next Big Thing 2007

Ivana (singer): "We gave it all the energy we had for our two minutes and four seconds.

"We were amazed by what the judges said - we were very pleased with how they saw our performance.

"We sent the song on the last day of the competition - and they called the next day to say, 'wow, we like your song'."

Judge Nile Rodgers: "The vibe, the energy was great. A big, chunky guitar sound. And they are fine looking too, which also counts."

Unique style

There was a tie for second place, with 19-year-old UAE singer Jeremie Johnson and Serbian collective Vrelo sharing the spot.

The judges said Johnson had "the potential to go on and be a world star," while Vrelo were "fantastic" and their sound "an assault on the eardrums".

петак, 14. децембар 2007.

Negativan uticaj veštačkih vitamina

U tom istraživanju najbolje je prošao vitamin C, a selen nije doprineo popravljanju zdravstvenog stanja ispitanika, ali ga nije ni ugrozio. Korišćenje vitamina E povećalo je rizik od smrti za četiri procenta, betakarotena za sedam, a vitamina A za čak 16 odsto. Kod žena koje su uzimale dnevnu dozu vitamina A dvostruko veću od preporučene, udvostručila se pojava osteoporoze. Kod oba pola, bez razlike, vitamini C, E i betakaroten su povećali nivo LDL, tzv. lošeg holesterola.

Učesnici istraživanja koji su uzimali povećane doze betakarotena, koji se smatra sredstvom za zaštitu od raka, na kraju su oboleli od tumora za 18 odsto više od prosečne populacije.

Veće doze vitamina D uticale su na povećano zgrušavanja krvi, čime se povećava rizik od tromboze. Pri tome je 70 odsto svih ispitivanih osoba na početku istraživanja bilo potpuno zdravo.

Svi navedeni vitamini su smatrani značajnim antioksidantima, znači likvidatorima slobodnih radikala. To su začeci ćelijskog metabolizma koji ubrzavaja starenje organizma, snižavaju imunitet i dovode do nastanka kardiovaskularnih bolesti, raka, Alchajmerove i Parkinsonove bolesti.

Pozitivan uticaj vitamina A, C i E protiv slobodnih radikala je dokazan, ali iz „superstudije” proizilazi da iza tih pozitivnih rezultata ne stoje samo vitamini. Ulogu imaju i druge materije, koje su sadržane samo u prirodnim proizvodima. Veštački stvoreni vitamini te materije nemaju, tako da nas ne mogu sačuvati od ozbiljnih bolesti, ukazali su autori studije.


Women understand colour. They seem to know what to wear all the time. Men just think red is nice, pink is nice, so why not have them together?
Jeremy Vine Women have the Oh dear, the toilet paper is on its last sheet; must replace it immediately gene. This is entirely absent in men who have the Oh s..t! Can you pass me a toilet roll, love? gene!
Jenni Murray Men have no opinions about curtains.
Stuart Maconie On being told that someone has bought a new car women usually ask what colour it is - men ask what sort is it.
Anna Ford Women have the If you need to be told I am not going to tell you gene
David Bergin, Switzerland Women know instinctively what is dangerous or not recommended for babies in their care. Men, generally speaking, do not.
Sian Lindsey, Netherlands Men like to have all their stuff (DVDs, CDs, etc) on show to impress their mates. Women like to hide things in cupboards.
Mark Nelson, UK Women have a built in calendar gene - we remember birthdays, anniversaries and appointments effortlessly.
Linsday, UK Ask a woman in the street how to get somewhere and she will direct via shops. Ask a man and it will be via pubs.
Fred, UK Women put things on the bottom stair to take up next time she has to go upstairs. Men just step over them until told to pick them up
Karen Kelsey, UK Men appreciate the importance of a 42 inch plasma screen. Women do not.
Jonathan, UK A multi-tasking gene is clearly only owned by women - men can never prepare dinner so that everything is ready at the same time.
Kelly , UK Women can use sex to get what they want. Men cannot, as sex is what they want.
Eoin Dempsey, Ireland Women pick up on subtleties and then think about them. Men need things explained IN CAPITAL LETTERS before the message gets through.
Morag, Edinburgh Men speak in sentences. Women speak in paragraphs.
Steve Munoz, US At weddings, women cry then get drunk. Men get drunk, then cry.
Debby, UK For men, 2am is time for sleep. For women, 2am is time for a discussion about where our relationship is going.
Luke, UK When faced with flat-pack furniture, men never read the manual. Yet they spend hours reading manuals for cars or bikes they will never own.
Linda, UK Men can store useless information. Like the top speed of a car they are never going to drive, let alone own.
Rob, UK Men can balance an infinite amount of rubbish in the bin, without noticing it is full.
Yvonne Eccles, England Only women can understand other women.
Jon Lipscombe Women know when all you want is a glass of wine, nodding sympathy and a good whinge. Men offer a solution.
Wendy, UK Woman have the diary gene. (And no, they do not make your bums look big).
Ben Appleby, UK Women are missing the parking a car in between two straight white lines in an empty car park gene
Jane, UK If you told a woman that you had just returned from a trip to the surface of the Moon, she would show her interest by asking who you had gone with.
Howard, UK Men do not even bother to look for something, then ask where it is and hope that it was the woman who put it away
Kate , Isle of Man When men want something they ask for it. When women want something they make a point distantly related to the subject and wait for a response.
David Lawson, England Women have an ability to make men think they are in charge.
Sheila, UK Men need a round of applause for emptying the dishwasher. Women think E on the petrol gauge means enough.
Peter Richmond, Canada Men use I or me when they should use we or us. Women use we or us when they should use I or me.
Clair, England Men have a gene which makes them blissfully unaware of impending emotional outbursts, but which sometimes backfires resulting in the registering of physical pain.
Gary, UK
Women have the we must name our car gene.
Louise, UK Men refuse to pay more than £5.00 for a hair cut as it is not that important.
Mark Tomlinson Men have the capacity to sleep through most sounds, whether it is a baby crying, dog barking, or doorbell ringing.
Val Soanes Men know that common house spiders are far less dangerous than scorpions.
John S, UK
Women drive on the stretch of road they can see. Men move through the landscape by car.
Anne Taylor, UK Women enjoy planning a wedding.
Tom Howes, UK Men have an anorak gene, which triggers a lecture on thermo dynamics when asked a simple question requiring a yes or no answer
Deborah, England Women eat curry if they like it. Men eat curry to prove they can.
Paul Angel, England Men manage to sit in public places with their legs wide open without noticing how startlingly unattractive it is and how they get in the way.
Jane Penrose, UK Women could never invent weapons that kill, only ones that make you feel really bad and guilty until you surrender
Dan, UK Women are the only ones with the noticing gene - we notice when something is dirty/nearly empty/out of place and then we bring into play the doing something about it now gene!
Sarah Wilson, UK Men can watch an entire film without having to ask who is that, what does he do?
Alistair, UK Women know what to do when someone starts to cry. Men tend to shuffle out of the room mumbling something about doing the grouting.
Lucy, UK Girls cannot climb trees. Furthermore, they cannot be in my gang.
Dominic Green, UK Men will do something and not think about the risks involved then be sorry after. Women will think about the risks involved before hand.
Diane McKay, England A man can choose and buy a pair of shoes in 90 seconds over the internet.
Paul, UK Men have the ability to make a la, la, la, not listening face.
Laura Humphreys, England Women pee together. Men do not acknowledge, let alone speak, to each other when peeing.
Angus, London Men have the shed gene, where being locked up in a small wooden structure in quiet contemplation with a collection of garden equipment counts as stimulating entertainment.
Lorraine, UK Men can drive without having to look at themselves in the mirror.
Christian Paterson, France Men have a gene which enables them to answer any question, no matter how complex or important, with Mmm.
Rachel, UK
Women make lists upon lists of things for men to do when they know very well we will never do them.
Brian Mac, US Women do not get turned on at the thought of two men together.
Donna, South Africa
Men CAN get a bus through there!
Bob Ellis,England Men can watch six different channels at the same time and know the name of none of the programmes they claim to be following
Niamh Brown, Singapore Men can write their names clearly in the snow.
Riccardo, UK Women can smell old trainers at 100ft, men have to hold them to their nose.
Sally, UK Men start a sentence and...
Cliff Grover, UK
....women finish it for them
Jane Grover, UK Men enjoy publicising their faults on BBC websites; women enjoy publicising men's faults on BBC websites.
Paul, UK
Men have the empathy with computers gene. This means they are more likely to be found fiddling about with one rather than doing something useful.
Sarah Savill, England Men are paid more for doing the same job. :-)
Nigel Harris, UK Women have the take things personally gene.
Emma, UK Women keep carrier bags hidden away in a cupboard. They even keep carrier bags within carrier bags.!
Matt, UK Women parallel process, men parallel park.
Petal, UK Men look at going down the gym as a physical activity, to women it is a social event.
Robert, UK A woman would look at a sexy man and not be noticed. Men just stare.
Isabelle West, UK Women think that a good place to keep the TV controller is on top of the TV.
Christopher, UK Men have a gene that enables them to maintain a vice like grip on the remote control while reclining on the sofa studying the insides of their eyelids.
Jane, UK Women can get by with 10 or 20 CDs. Men need 200 plus.
Damien Bove, Leeds Women know that washing machines have programmes for every kind of fabric, colour and quantity and use them appropriately. Men will put a months supply of laundry through the 40 degree cycle (safest guess), regardless of any other detail.
Janine MacLean, UK Women order rice and eat men's chips.
Liam, Wales Men will hear you open a beer from three rooms away.
Aileen, Scotland Women recall every outfit they have worn for the past two decades. Men cannot remember what they were wearing yesterday without looking on the floor next to the bed.
Tom, London, UK If a man knows an acquaintance has given birth to a baby, he will remember the sex and name - if you are lucky. If a woman is told about a birth, she will remember names (first and middle), weight, time, how long the labour took and whether medical intervention was required.
Marcia, UK Women have the ability to brain dump their entire day when they get home - men can only remember that it went OK
Bob Findlay, Ireland Men cannot watch sports and talk to their wives at the same time.
Lisa, Cana

Дејли апдејт - екологија - судија

Nusa Dua, Bali December 14, 2007

WITH less than 24 hours to deadline, the crucial UN climate talks in Bali were deadlocked last night between the US and Europe - with Australia being drawn into the centre of the conflict.

The European Union demanded to know where Australia stood in the attempt by America to remove crucial wording in the draft Bali road map which calls for developed countries to make deep cuts to their greenhouse gas emissions.... http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/bali-talks-in-balance/2007/12/13/1197135655538.html


The former Federal Court judge Einfeld sent to trial on 13 charges

MARCUS EINFELD'S eyes remained fixed on his black tasselled loafers as a magistrate announced there was "ample evidence" to commit him to stand trial for perjury and perverting the course of justice over a series of traffic offences.

The Deputy Chief Magistrate, Helen Syme, held that there was sufficient evidence to enable a reasonable jury, properly instructed, to convict Einfeld.

"It would appear to be a good prosecution case that the defendant was in fact the driver of the car," Ms Syme told Downing Centre Local Court.

The former Federal Court judge will now face trial in the District Court next year over 13 charges relating to making false statutory declarations and lying to a court to avoid liability for four traffic offences dating back to 1999, when he was still a judge.

недеља, 9. децембар 2007.

report missing female - year 1912 - location New York

Ethnicity: Hungary, Servian
Last Place of Residence: Mozsor, Hungary
Date of Arrival: Jun 26, 1912
Age at Arrival: 44y Gender: M Marital Status: M
Ship of Travel: Ivernia
Port of Departure: Fiume
Manifest Line Number: 0003
Ethnicity: Hungary, Croatian
Last Place of Residence: Mozsai, Hungary
Date of Arrival: Jun 26, 1912
Age at Arrival: 40y Gender: M Marital Status: M
Ship of Travel: Ivernia
Port of Departure: Fiume
Manifest Line Number: 0027

Croatian: Mohač, Serbian: Мохач, German: Mohatsch, Turkish: Mohaç

The Imperial army defeated the Turks at the Battle of Mohács (August 1687). Louis invaded the Palatinate in October 1688 before the Emperor's armies had redeployed from the East. The French army devastated the area in one of the few real war crimes of this period's warfare. "preparations" The Hungarian army was divided into three main units: the Transylvanian army under John Zápolya, charged with guarding the passes in the Transylvanian Alps, with between 8,000 and 13,000 men; the main army, led by Louis himself; and another smaller force, commanded by the Croatian count Christopher Frankopan, numbering around 5,000 men. Due to geography, the Turkish army's ultimate goal could not be determined until it was crossing the Balkan Mountains. Unfortunately, by the time the Ottoman's army had crossed, the Transylvanian army was further from Buda than the Ottomans were. Contemporary historical records, though sparse, indicate that Louis preferred a plan of retreat, in effect ceding the country to Ottoman advances, rather than directly engaging the Ottoman army in open battle.
The Hungarian forces chose the battlefield, an open but uneven plain with some swampy marshes near Mohács leading down to the Danube. The Ottomans had been allowed to advance almost unopposed. While Louis waited in Buda, they had besieged several towns and crossed the Sava and Drava Rivers. Louis assembled around 25,000 to 28,000 soldiers while the Ottoman army numbered around 50,000 to 65,000.The Hungarian army was arrayed to take advantage of the terrain and hoped to engage the Ottoman army piecemeal.

trojan - The Odyssey

According to some saved documents and maps, the Vrana area was an important intersection of the Roman public roads, which connected the nearby Blandona and Jadera, also Aenona, Nedinum, Aseria, Hadar, Burnum, Scardona and Salona. The „Scardonian main road“ is of special interest. It used to be a busy road leading to Aenona, across Jadera and Blandona to Scardona. The road was built in a straight line, which was of vital importance for the old roads since it passed by the springs Bristovac, Kasic, Novak, Vrba, Lug, Starac, Misec, Skorobic, Subiba, Biba, Pecina, Vrana and even Veliki Stabanj, Mali Stabanj, Kakma, Tinjska vrulja, Dubalj, Lokvenjak and Luzenjak. Some of these springs have kept their pre-Roman names till today. After the battle on Siget in 1526, there was no organized resistance to the Turk invasion and so Vrana too fell under Turk rule in 1527 lasting until 1648.

For fear of the unknown and powerful Asian army, the locals fled from Vrana to the village Betina on the island Murter; some of them even went to southern Istria. Even today the people of Betina grow huge olive trees in „Modrave“ on the reef between the sea and the Lake of Vrana, which never fell under the Turk rule. The town of Vrana was inhabited exclusively by Muslims and its surroundings was inhabited by orthodox Vlach population. When Vrana was liberated in 1684 three mosques were discovered on the spot and the forts were found ruined. The Turks had rearranged the fort thoroughly by turning it into barracks for 150 infantry-men and 100 horsemen. ... & another address end

There a Sibyl took him to the underworld and foretold the majesty of Rome, which would be founded by his people. He negotiated a settlement with the local king, Lavinius, and was wed to his daughter, Lavinia. This triggered a war with other local tribes, which culminatied in the founding of the settlement of Alba Longa, ruled by Aeneas and Lavinia's son Silvius.

Three hundred years later, according to Roman myth, his descendants Romulus and Remus founded Rome. The details of the journey of Aeneas, his affair with Dido, and his settling in Italy are the subject of the Roman epic poem the Aeneid by Virgil.

English training camp in Austria

The participants, known as campers, get away from civilization and enjoy nature while spending one or more nights, usually at a campsite. Camping may involve the use of a tent, a primitive structure, or no shelter at all.
Camping as a recreational activity became popular in the early 21th century. Campers frequent national parks, other publicly owned natural areas, and privately owned campgrounds.
Camping describes a wide range of activities. Survivalist campers set off with little more than their boots, whereas recreational vehicle travelers arrive equipped with their own electricity, heat, and patio furniture. Camping may be an end unto itself, but often it is done in conjunction with other activity, such as Euro football competition. It may be combined with hiking either as backpacking or as a series of day hikes from a central location somewhere in Austria & Switzerland major cities.


You know that game in Brain Age where you get a quick look at a batch of numbers then have to tap them in numerical order after they're hidden? In news that must please the good Dr. Kawashima to no end, scientists at Kyoto University have found that five-year-old chimps are able to perform a (very) similar feat much faster than a group of nine able-minded college students on a touchscreen test bed that resembles the best-selling DS game.

With a .7 second look, both man and beast are on even ground, but with a 0.4 second or 0.2 second (!!) peek, the college kids got owned, completing it 40% of the time compared to the chimps' 80%. One thing's for sure— taking this test probably didn't help the college kids with their self esteem. While not as funny as a chimp working a typewriter while smoking a cigarette, the video above of brave Ayumu doing his thing is pretty damn amazing. Get that chimp a stylus!

And if you want to be impressed, see the next video, showing the chimps memorizing the digits after the mere peek.

BALI da UPALI australski DIZEL stav

Big developing nations like China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Mexico are refusing to make any international commitments while the US refuses to move.

Climate negotiators from Europe and Africa have told BBC News that a Democratic presence in Bali would be very welcome. They said it could apply pressure on President Bush's representatives in the negotiating hall.

Last week, Sigmar Gabriel, the German environment minister, said he had visited Mr Bush's Washington meeting on climate change and that he had enjoyed very fruitful discussions with the Democrats about the shape of US climate policy.

Dr R K Pachauri, head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), observed: "I think it's very important for legislators from every country to be exposed to what's going to happen in Bali.

"In a Conference of the Parties (COP), what happens in the corridors is just as important, maybe more important, than what happens in the negotiating hall," he told BBC News.

"I would like to see legislators from China and India taking part, too."

... - and how costly physical need becomes

* Applying for a taxi driver authority
* Renewing a driver authority
* Replacing a driver authority
* Drivers' responsibilities
* Driver training and knowledge test
o Sydney Knowledge and Regulation Test - A Guide for Taxi Drivers - October 2003
+ PDF file - 161 kb
+ Word file - 1.54 Mb
* Use of mobile phones
* MyRecords log in
*missing part ?!?!?!?!

... don't try to go to toilet because it's Christmas time and you have to get present from MOT "ministry of molestation" can you believe this shit that happened to me last night . stopped at park st taxi rank, switched roof light of and went to toilet, in no time two morons are asking me for authority card so they can give me infringement for going to toilet more than ten minutes, one guy was so ready to give me Christmas gift and so convinced that it was longer than ten minutes, as they finished just about to leave other guy was touching my bonnet to see if it is hot as he knows that they were full of shit for giving me a fine for staying longer. merry *****en Christmas to you YOU BASTARDS


no shit no glory - and how costly can physical need becomes

* Applying for a taxi driver authority
* Renewing a driver authority
* Replacing a driver authority
* Drivers' responsibilities
* Driver training and knowledge test
o Sydney Knowledge and Regulation Test - A Guide for Taxi Drivers - October 2003
+ PDF file - 161 kb
+ Word file - 1.54 Mb
* Use of mobile phones
* MyRecords log in
*missing part ?!?!?!?! don't try to go to toilet because it's Christmas time and you have to get present from MOS "ministry of molestation" can you believe this shit that happened to me last night . stopped at park st taxi rank, switched roof light of and went to toilet, in no time two morons are asking me for authority card so they can give me infringement for going to toilet more than ten minutes, one guy was so ready to give me Christmas gift and so convinced that it was longer than ten minutes, as they finished just about to leave other guy was touching my bonnet to see if it is hot as he knows that they were full of shit for giving me a fine for staying longer. merry *#$*en Christmas to you YOU BASTARDS



zipa komarac

ateisti i izjave

1. Creationists make it sound like a ‘theory’ is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night — Isaac Asimov
2. I don’t believe in God. My god is patriotism. Teach a man to be a good citizen and you have solved the problem of life. — Andrew Carnegie
3. All thinking men are atheists. — Ernest Hemingway
4. Lighthouses are more helpful then churches. — Benjamin Franklin
5. Faith means not wanting to know what is true. — Friedrich Nietzsche
6. The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. — George Bernard Shaw
7. Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile. — Kurt Vonnegut
8. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. — Frank Lloyd Wright
9. Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. — Denis Diderot
10. A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows. — Samuel Clemens
11. The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life. — Sigmund Freud
12. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. — Edward Gibbon
13. The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church. — Ferdinand Magellan
14. Not only is there no god, but try getting a plumber on weekends. — Woody Allen
15. It’s an incredible con job when you think about it, to believe something now in exchange for something after death. Even corporations with their reward systems don’t try to make it posthumous. — Gloria Steinem

субота, 8. децембар 2007.

flooded disconnectios

chance of an afternoon or evening shower or thunderstorm. Mostly cloudy. Moderate southerly winds, fresh to strong at times near the coast this morning.
Within our solar system, any planet or moon with an atmosphere also has clouds. Venus' clouds are composed entirely of sulfuric acid droplets. Mars has high, thin clouds of water ice. Both Jupiter and Saturn have an outer cloud deck composed of ammonia clouds, an intermediate deck of ammonium hydrosulfide clouds and an inner deck of water clouds. Uranus and Neptune have atmospheres dominated by methane clouds.

Saturn's moon Titan has clouds which are believed to be composed largely of droplets of liquid methane. The Cassini-Huygens Saturn mission has uncovered evidence of a fluid cycle on Titan, including lakes near the poles and fluvial channels on the surface of the moon.

Joynton Ave - the deeper the cloud and the lower the cloud base, the heavier the rain

Storm chasing is broadly defined as the pursuit of any severe weather condition, regardless of motive. A person who chases storms is known as a storm chaser, or simply a chaser. While witnessing a tornado is the biggest objective for many chasers, many chase thunderstorms and delight in seeing cumulonimbus structure, watching a barrage of hail and lightning, and seeing what skyscapes unfold. There are also a smaller number of storm chasers who chase hurricanes.

Storm chasing is chiefly a recreational endeavor, with motives usually given toward photographing the storm for personal reasons. Though scientific work is sometimes cited as a goal, such work is almost always impractical except for those participating in a university or government project.

петак, 7. децембар 2007.

Real knowledge - Mercury Sextile Pluto , exact at 06:50

This influence arouses love of mystery and gives a desire to solve difficult puzzles. This is a reflection of the deeper purpose of this influence, which is to penetrate below the surface layer of reality to the core of truth where all real knowledge is to be found. Therefore this is a good time to study subjects pertaining to deeper knowledge. In everyday world will use this energy to
examine, scrutinize and probe everything that comes its way. It is not that it is suspicious but that it wants to get at the total truth. If someone makes a proposal, it will investigate and ask searching questions until it knows exactly what the proposal entails. Under this influence it would be very difficult for someone to swindle or mislead.

stere0typNO generalizovanje .. nas iritiraju

10. Kad žena glumi 'čistunku'
Ženama je dozvoljeno da se zabavljaju koliko i muškarcima i zato treba naći onog koji će znati cijeniti njezin vedar i avanturistički duh! Žene se nerijetko (ustvari, gotovo uvijek) pokušavaju prikazati u boljem svijetlu u kojem one nikad nisu prevarile partnera i u kojem su imale triput manje ljubavnika nego što to stvarno jest. Pravi muškarac znat će se nositi s prošlošću svoje partnerice, štoviše bit će mu drago da njegova draga nije takva 'svetica' kako možda izgleda
9. Kritiziranje drugih žena
Kada ste posljednji put čuli da je jedna žena dala iskreni kompliment drugoj ženi? To ćete teško čuti, ali zato će bez problema komentirati njenu kilažu, ružnu frizuru i cipele koje ne pašu uz torbicu. Dati kompliment drugoj ženi prema ženskom ramišljanju može značiti potencijalnu konkurenciju. Zato, slijedeći put kada pored vas prođe zgodna žena, pohvalite njinu dobru guzu i vaš dragi će biti ugodno iznenađen. I nemojte misliti da ako vi ne komentirati dobrog komada, da ga ni on neće primijetiti. Muškarcima to nikada ne promakne!
8. Izljevi ljubomore
Malo koja pripadnica nježnijeg spola ostane imuna na spomen imena neke druge žene (osim ako ta druga žena nije najbliži rod). Preispitivanje partnerove vjernosti mnogim je ženama omiljeni hobi, a kada još dobe priliku uhvatiti se za neko ime, to im daje dodatni poticaj za izljeve ljubomore. A muškarce to, naravno, iritira. Naravno, ovo se ne odnosi na slučajeve kada je ljubomora opravdana, a kako ćete znati je li opravdana ili nije je već druga priča.
7. Stalno traži pažnju
Mnogim muškarcima nije jasno kako mnoge žene koje se hvale svojom neovisnošću i emancipacijom, čim se zaljube postanu poput psića željnih maženja i paženja, da ne spominjemo konstantnu potrebu da im se govori kako su posebne. Muškarca vrlo brzo pretvore u emocionalnu štaku koja im služi za moralnu, mentalnu i emocionalnu potporu. Iz žene koja je sto posto sigurna u sebe kao da se pretvore u biće potpuno ovisno o muškarcu. Naravno, muškarcima bi to moglo podizati ego, ali većina ih ipak voli samopouzdanu partnericu koja ne treba njegovu potvrdu da bi se osjećala lijepom, posebnom i sposobnom.
6. Priča u šiframa
Staro pitanje 'A što ti misliš?' je bezvremenski primjer kako žene vole preispitivati partnerove osjećaje i dovoditi ga u kušnju i u, naizgled, bezizlazne situacije. Žene misle da su muškarci telepatijom obdarena bića koja mogu čitati misli, ali i između redaka kad žena kaže jedno, a misli nešto sasvim drugo. A pravi muškarac bi to trebao razaznati. Zaista je jadan prizor vidjeti muškarca koji se sav znoji pokušavajući smisliti pravi odgovor na ženino “trik” pitanje, dok ona stoji s prekriženim rukama tapkajući nogom o pod. Ne preostaje mu ništa drugo nego lupiti nešto i nadati se da tu noć neće provesti u psećoj kućici.
5. Ulazi u partnerov prostor
Žene imaju instinktivnu potrebu sređivati muškarca kad god im se prohtije i prisvajati njegove stvari. Drugim riječima, kada mu ne namještaju kravatu, kopaju po njegovoj robi tražeći majicu u koju bi se mogle presvući. Zamislite da muškarac isto tako kopa po ženskom ormaru i ošiša ju jer mu se čini da joj je baš trebala nova frizura. E pa i jači spol ima potrebu za svojim prostorom u koji nitko drugi neće zadirati.
4. Postanu previše osjećajne
Činjenica jest da se žene lako rasplaču zbog bilo čega: tužnog filma (ili čak sretnog), puknutog nokta ili frizure koja se pokvarila. Što je još gore, očekuju od svojih partnera da ih tješe i nekim čudom poprave svu načinjenu štetu. A ako su muškarci u nečemu loši, onda je to tješenje uplakane žene. Daleko od toga da su muškarci bezosjećajni, ali osim dvije, tri slatke riječi utjehe, ne znaju ništa o tome kako utješiti ženu. Muškarcima je drago što su žene nježniji i ranjiviji spol, ali se ne žele (i ne znaju) svakodnevno nositi s rijekom suza za svaku sitnicu.
3. Šoping do iznemoglosti
Svim ženama koje su uhvatile primjerak muškog roda koji voli ići u šoping možemo reći samo jedno: čestitamo! One se ne moraju obazirati na našu treću odrednicu, a ona glasi: muškarci mrze hodati po dućanima! Ženama je šoping poput obreda tijekom kojega satima mogu isprobavati krpice, rovati po hrpi odjeće na sniženju ili samo razgledavati, a da ne osjete potrebu za vodom, hranom ili nekim drugim primarnim potrebama. Muškarci to ne mogu i, žene, pomirite se s tim jednom zauvijek! Ako zaista volite svog muškarca, slijedeći put ga odvedite sa sobom u šoping kad napravi nešto jako, jako loše i želite ga primjereno kazniti.
2. Pričanje do iznemoglosti
Vi je pitate “Draga, kako ti je prošao dan?”, očekujući informacije samo o najvažnijem događaju toga dana, a ona počne monolog od pola sata. Većina žena voli pričati, a ako im date povod za to, neće ni prestati. Nije da muškarce ne zanima što njihova bolja polovica ima za reći, samo ne moraju znati baš svaki i najsitniji detalj.
1. Koriste seks kao oružje
One jako dobro znaju koja je najveća slabost muškog roda, a znaju i da je nabolje napadati tamo gdje je žrtva najslabija. Muškarca je najlakše kazniti uskraćivanjem seksa, a to je i jedan od načina da žena pokaže svoju superiornost i sposobnost kontrole. A njima bi sigurno bile draže da ih se kazni na bilo koji drugi način, samo ne uskraćivanjem osnovnih ljudskih potreba.
....I za kraj ne zaboravite: ključ uspjeha je tolerancija! S vremenom ćete se naviknuti na njene mane i navike koje vas toliko iritiraju (barem na neke), isto kao što će ona prihvatiti i vaše. Nitko nije savršen i oko toga se i muškarci i žene mogu složiti.

Imaginative power
The positive side of this influence is that it enables it to think and express itsself with great subtlety, allowing it to express ideas and feelings that it usually cannot; therefore it is very favorable for all forms of artistic expression. On the other hand, this "imaginative" power can get so out of hand that it changes from imagination to illusion. Be sure to subject all the ideas that come to it now to the test of time to find out whether they are of lasting value or just a fantasy of a moment. This influence can indicate unclear and confused thinking. Be particularly careful in its personal communications, because others may misunderstand it even though it think it have been completely clear. Avoid any situation that depends for success on the complete honesty and clarity of each participant.

Opasni spojevi namirnica i lekova

Veoma često supstance iz lekova, u kombinaciji sa komponentama hrane, obrazuju jedinjenja koja se ili slabo apsorbuju ili onemogućavaju leku da deluje na organizam. Na primer, ako pijete antibiotik iz grupe tetraciklina, trebalo bi da izbacite iz ishrane mleko i mlečne proizvode zato što joni kalcijuma iz tih namirnica formiraju sa tetraciklinima jedinjenja koja snižavaju njihovo dejstvo. Isto tako, smanjuje se delovanje preparata gvožđa ako u isto vreme jedete orašaste plodove, mlečne i pšenične proizvode, ili pijete čaj i kafu.

Sulfonamidi („baktrim”), glikozidi (pojačavaju kontrakcije srčanog mišića) i sredstva protiv stvaranja tromba hemijski su veoma srodni sa belančevinama. Stoga u vreme uzimanja tih preparata treba ograničiti količinu belančevina na trpezi (manje crvenog mesa, piletine, ribe, masnog sira, mahunarki). Te namirnice ne treba potpuno izbaciti već samo smanjiti i pri tom strogo poštovati vreme uzimanja lekova.

Kako se menja lek

Pod uticajem hrane menja se apsorpcija lekova. Tako, recimo, masti smanjuju lučenje želudačnog soka i slabe peristaltiku (pokrete) želuca, što usporava varenje hrane, a to znači da će se i lekovi uzeti posle takvog obroka sporije apsorbovati. Ali te iste masti su neophodne za apsorbovanje preparata rastvorljivih u mastima (vitamina A, E, K, antikoagulanata, „dijazepama” i sl.). Šećer i slatkiši usporavaju pražnjenje želuca, a to dovodi do zadrške pri apsorpciji sulfadimetoksina i sličnih preparata, kao i mnogih drugih lekova.

Želudačni sokovi snažno utiču na procese preobražaja lekova u organizmu. Našte srca, to jest na prazan stomak, kada je kiselost želudačnog soka slaba, treba uzimati takve preparate kao što su glikozidi za srce, kao i one lekove koji ne oštećuju sluzokožu želuca. Lekovi koji se piju našte srca brže se apsorbuju.

Za vreme jela kiselost želudačnog soka je veoma velika, što bitno utiče na stabilnost lekova i njihovu apsorpciju u krvotok. U kiseloj sredini delimično se snižava dejstvo „eritromicina”, „linkomicina”, „hidrohlorida” i drugih antibiotika.

Kakva treba da bude hrana

U slučaju lečenja aspirinom ili acetil-salicidnom kiselinom, hrana treba da bude siromašna belančevinama, mastima i ugljenim hidratima. U protivnom, apsorpcija preparata se dvostruko smanjuje, što nije nimalo zanemarljiv podatak. A jela od ribe mogu da isprovociraju krvarenje.

Terapeutska efikasnost sulfonamida znatno slabi ili se skoro sasvim gubi ako se konzumiraju sa namirnicama koje sadrže folnu i benzoatnu kiselinu (spanać, salata i brusnice).

Dugotrajno lečenje reumatoloških oboljenja salicilatima („aspirin”) i nesteroidnim preparatima („naproksen”, „ibuprofen”, „diklofenak”) nadražuje sluzokožu želuca i creva i može čak da izazove krvarenje. Takvi bolesnici moraju da paze na ishranu da ne bi dodatno iritirali organe za varenje, što znači da treba da izbegavaju takozvanu tešku hranu bogatu vlaknima, na primer presno povrće, pečurke, pržene namirnice, mesne i riblje čorbe.

Voda je bolja od sokova

Na kiselost želudačnih sokova utiče i ono što pijete, a naročito napici s kojima uzimate lekove. To su, pre svega, sokovi od bobičavog voća (jagode, maline, kupine, borovnice...), kafa, čaj i mleko. Kiseli sokovi od voća i povrća mogu da ponište farmakološki efekat nekih antibiotika („eritromicina”, „ampicilina”...) i usporavaju apsorpciju paracetamola, „ibuprofena” i sličnih preparata.

S mlekom ne treba piti tablete obložene filmom koji ih štiti od dejstva kiseline (pankreatin, bisakodil) jer će se taj omotač rastvoriti ne stigavši do mesta predviđenog za njegovu apsorpciju.

Mnogi napici sadrže tanine, koji mogu da pojačaju dejstvo leka i dovedu do predoziranja. Posebno je opasan grejpfrut, koji može da pojača ili promeni delovanje mnogih preparata.

U mleku se nalazi kalcijum-kazeinat, koji onemogućava apsorpciju tetraciklina i linkomicina. S mlekom se piju samo lekovi koji nadražuju sluzokožu želuca, ne vezuju se za belančevine i kalcijum iz mleka. Praktično sve lekove treba piti s pola čaše obične vode i to najbolje u stojećem položaju.

Dakle, odgovarajuća ishrana za vreme lečenja određenim preparatima može biti dopunski terapeutski faktor, a nemaran odnos prema ishrani može da poništi celokupno lečenje i nanese štetu organizmu.

dobro prošao u američkim kinima

.. priča o kultnoj figuri harlemskih ulica 1970. godine!

Nitko nije primjećivao Francka Lucasa, vozača jednog od najutjecajnihih crnačkih šefova mafije. Ali kad njegov šef iznenada umie, Franck iskorištava pukotinu nastalu u strukturi moći za stavranje svojeg carstva i ostvarenje njegove verzije američkog sna. Svojom pronicljivošću i strogom poslovnom etikom, uspio se uzdići do vladara tržišta droge u Harlemu, plasirajući na ulice čišći i jeftiniji proizvod. Lucas je postao ne samo najzančajnija figura mafijaškog svijeta, već i bitan čimbenik u krugu poznatih osoba onoga vremena

четвртак, 6. децембар 2007.

Šimšon & Dəlila - ECHAFAUDAGE

A displac3 abl3 w0rking scaff0ld with a v3rtically adjustabl3 w0rking platf0rm and with l3gs arrang3d in pairs and 3ach c0nsisting 0f tw0 parts m0vabl3 r3lativ3 t0 3ach 0th3r. 0n3 0f th3 pr0bl3ms with kn0wn w0rking scaff0lds 0f this typ3 is th3 m0unting and dism0unting pr0c3dur3s, which ar3 difficult and tim3-c0nsuming, and t0 a larg3 3xt3nt this is du3 t0 th3 fact that th3 kn0wn scaff0lds c0nsist 0f a r3lativ3ly gr3at numb3r 0f parts that must b3 j0in3d and dism0unt3d 3ach tim3 th3 kn0wn scaff0lds ar3 t0 b3 s3t up and tak3n d0wn, r3sp3ctiv3ly. I.a. t0 s0lv3 this it is sugg3st3d acc0rding t0 th3 pr3s3nt inv3nti0n that a jack is arrang3d b3tw33n th3 upp3r and l0w3r parts 0f th3 l3gs in 3ach pair 0f l3gs by m3ans 0f which th3 w0rking platf0rm is rais3d and l0w3r3d and that d3tachabl3 staying m3ans f0r staying th3 pair 0f l3gs ar3 arrang3d b3tw33n th3 w0rking platf0rm and th3 upp3r p0rti0ns 0f th3 l3gs, a hing3 b3ing pr0vid3d f0r th3ir c0nn3cti0n t0 th3 w0rking platf0rm, ar0und which th3 r3lativ3 l3g can b3 turn3d t0wards th3 w0rking platf0rm aft3r at last partly l00s3ning said c0nn3cti0n.

yah00 vs g00gle

  1. Britney Spears
  2. WWE
  3. Paris Hilton
  4. Naruto
  5. Beyonce
  6. Lindsay Lohan
  7. Rune Scape
  8. Fantasy Football
  9. Fergie
  10. Jessica Alba

1. iphone
2. webkinz
3. tmz
4. transformers
5. youtube
6. club penguin
7. myspace
8. heroes
9. facebook
10. anna nicole smith



I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away
mildewed and smoldering, fundamental differing,
pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion
disintegrating as it goes testing our communication
the light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so
we cannot see to reach an end crippling our communication.

I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them tumble down
no fault, none to blame it doesn't mean I don't desire to
point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over.
To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication.

The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,
And the circling is worth it.
Finding beauty in the dissonance.

There was a time that the pieces fit, but I watched them fall away.
Mildewed and smoldering, strangled by our coveting
I've done the the math enough to know the dangers of a second guessing
Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication cold silence
has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion
between supposed lovers
between supposed brothers.

And I know the pieces fit.

уторак, 4. децембар 2007.

what could of been expected from BPA?

  • Location and description of individual stains and patterns,
  • Mechanism that created the stains.
  • Direction a blood droplet was traveling (by calculating angles of impact),
  • Area of origin (location of blow into blood source),
  • Type of object used in attack (edged, blunt, firearm, etc.),
  • Minimum number of blows,
  • The presence of a subject at a scene,
  • Positioning of the victim, suspect, and objects during events, and
  • The sequence of events.

недеља, 2. децембар 2007.

насиље у Сиднеју

веома опасан град за ноћни живот Сиднеј је постао, лудаци на алкохолу не мирују већ кваре осталима изласке у град. посао осигурања мјеста за изласке ала клубови, барови је постао тако ризичан.

мили ванили

Ladies… x3
Here we go…

Baby where’d you get your body from?
Tell me where’d you get your body from.
Baby where’d you get your body from?
Tell me where’d you get your body from.
I got it from my mama x3
I got it got it got got it…

Baby where’d you get your body from?
Tell me where’d you get your body from.
Baby where’d you get your body from?
Tell me where’d you get your body from.
I got it from my mama x3
I got it got it…